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The following article was published in our article directory on December 14, 2012.
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3 Ways for Mentees to Give Back to Mentors

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Sean Vosler

Lots of folks ask me how I connect with influential people, decided to put a few tips and stories here to answer that question... along with some ways you can give back to your mentors once you find them!

A mentoring relationship should be rewarding for both sides. If only the mentee is getting something out of the relationship, chances are the mentor will soon opt out.

It's common for mentees to think that they have nothing to give back to their mentor. That simply isn't true. Though you might not be able to give back in a monetary way, the fact is most mentors aren't in it for the money.

So how can a mentee give back to a mentor?

==> Gratitude

At the most simple level, mentors want to feel good about the fact that they're making a difference in your life.

Let your mentor(s) know how they've made a difference in your life. Be specific. Let them know how your life would have turned out if it wasn't for them.

After every meeting with you, your mentors should walk away feeling like they did a great thing. This feeling is why many mentors give a helping hand.

Case and point - one evening awhile back I decided it would be fun to get Gary Vaynerchuk (someone I consider a 'just doesn't know it yet' mentor) to connect with ME, without me reaching out to him. To do this I decided to use gratitude, instead of perhaps sending him 100 tweets in a row till he reached out to me.

It basically went down like this... 1) leverage social media to give him gratitude 2) Keep quiet till he notices. Why keep quiet? Because no one likes a loud mouth, don't be the guy at the party dropping names like beats... be the guy who has an air of mystery. With that in mind, I simply did not put my name anywhere on the site I built to show him gratitude.

To get things started I built a quick website that basically just said "THANKS GARY! YOU ROCK!" and gave people the tools to share their gratitude for what Gary has done for them and their businesses. I used a Facebook comment box and a little code that let people tweet out a thank you to Gary, I then planted a seed on my Facebook just asking people how Gary had influenced them - after quite a few folks posted I posted the link to the site... I didn't say I built it, I just told them I thought it was a cool way for them to say thanks to him.

Long story short, after less than TWO hours from building the site it had over 93 Facebook comments, hundreds of tweets, and dozens of Pins on Pinterest! And this all lead to...

Pretty cool on its own! But soon people started tweeting at him that it was from some guy named Sean Vosler! Someone had looked up the WhoIs data on the domain name, which... I'll admit... was part of the plan!

To be honest, it didn't lead to more than a nice personal message from Gary on my Facebook, that's just fine with me. It was a fun adventure, and he knows who I am now... and next time I run into him, guess who's going to have some fun stuff to talk about?

Even other folks got involved that I really look up to!

Some more fun stuff...

==> Public Mentions

Another way you can give back to your mentors is through public mentions. As you and your company become more successful, you'll have the opportunity to speak in public or be written about in public.

When that happens, go out of your way to mention your mentor(s). This will help them build up their name and also gives them a sense that you truly do appreciate what they do for you.

Here's an example of an admittedly unplanned interaction with billionaire Mark Cuban - posted this on Facebook and tagged his personal Facebook account, and as you can see he ended up posting on my Facebook. Pretty cool! Admittedly, this didn't lead to a long term relationship, a business deal, or anything like that. BUT it did show me, and others, the power that social media presents to reach 'unreachable' people who charge $10,000 per hour for their time.

Here Mark Cuban say's he is ready to listen to me sing an NSYNC song to him.

If you read books by successful people, you'll find that they often acknowledge their mentors and influencers by name. They'll do this not just in the "acknowledgements," but in the core of the book itself.

Find places to mention your mentors in public and they'll love you for it.

==> Being Successful

Finally, the ultimate way to say "thank you" to a mentor is to be extraordinarily successful. Mentors want to know that they made a difference and that their contribution helped you hit your goals.

This little testimonial from Frank (out of the blue I might add) after I helped him with his blog went a long way to showing my mentors that I was working hard and applying their advice!

Mentors want to make a difference in the world. If you go from starting a brand new business to being a successful entrepreneur thanks to your mentors, they'll feel very fulfilled. They'll be glad they took you on.

==> Giving Back to Mentors

Though mentees usually can't give back to their mentors in financial ways, you'll often be able to give back to mentors in emotional ways.

Make sure mentors feel good about helping you out. Make sure they walk away from your meetings glowing. Make sure that they're better off having spent time with you than if they hadn't.

Don't view your mentorship relationships as you taking something from them. View it as a mutual relationship, where they want to make a difference and you're their conduit. They're making a difference in your life and your business and in return, they get a wide range of emotional benefits.

So - I put the question to you, what are some ways you've given back to your mentors?

About the Author: Sean Vosler is an expert when it comes to Membership Websites. To find out everything about building membership websites, visit his website at Membership Manifesto.

Keywords: mentorship, influence, building influence, membership websites

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