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The following article was published in our article directory on December 11, 2012.
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Developing your Personal Competitive Advantage in the market

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Joseph Norman

I am referring to your PERSONAL competitive advantage right here. How can you engage that to conceive great results in your everyday life?

With that title you may figure me to go ahead describing business growth or profitability models. A couple of you may anticipate some Michael Porter quotations or references to his competition theories.

I have something a little different for you though because the everyday person probably finds that stuff boring. I am discussing personal development so YOU can become a more sought after resource in the marketplace!.

That said, let us talk about the competitor inside each of us. There is a little fire inside us all which just enjoys victory. It motivates us.

That fire inside is our personal competitive advantage.

This insight arised while I prepped mentally for the Rochester Half Marathon which I ran in September of 2012. To be honest, my endurance training was not exactly stellar going into this event. In fact the last time I ran 13 miles straight was probably a year or two before, so I knew it was going to be demanding.

Keeping this in mind, what made me desire to wake up far too early on a Sunday and punish myself? It felt like a good test to whip me into shape. So, the competitor inside of me could not let the chance pass me by!

Many office managers & leaders - especially sales team leaders - absolutely love to hire athletes in their offices for this reason. They have mentally trained that fire inside which really loves to win. In essence, they have honed their personal competitive advantage.

In my life projects and business ventures I know that if I can put together a system which helps let loose the competitor inside of individuals, then my team is going to perform at a high level. The same applies for whatever you may have happening in your personal or professional life. I guarantee it.

Suppose I am not an athlete? How do I develop my personal competitive advantage?

If you do not consider yourself an athlete, here's the formula:.


Remember the times in your life when you were thrilled about winning. Most of us have diverse interests, so it could be the glory days on the high school football field or the collegiate track meets, the dance competitions or the golf matches. It could even be a scholastic competition you were in!

Whatever it was for you, contemplate the feeling you had when you readied and competed. Then, pay attention to that rush of emotion when you achieved the big win you or your team had!

Or, if it did not work out quite like you expected, tap into the feeling of enthusiasm you had participating in something to the very best of your ability!

Now, consider how you can apply that winning attitude towards your personal and professional life.

CAUTION: I'm not saying to go challenge your eight year old nephew to a no holds barred cage match ...

Rather take time reflecting upon how you can win with things like your family relationships, business, or other ventures. This will do wonders for your personal health!

Professionally, you can target those sales or business goals. Not just the company's goals for you ... your personal goals which I'm sure are much loftier!

Make them your own and consider them each as a little challenge with yourself.

I have been a competitive athlete for over a decade and in that duration I have learned a few strategies which have helped me function at my best athletically, personally, and professionally.

Here are a few things that have been the basis to developing my personal competitive advantage.

VISUALIZATION. Know your objective and picture every moment of that experience in your thoughts long before it actually happens. When the time comes to finally make that presentation, you have already rehearsed it for the last several weeks in your mind.

POSITIVE SELF TALK. When you are ultimately in your race - whatever that 'race' is - do not let negativeness creep in and steal your thunder. Keep your mind focused on affirming your desired success.

SWEAT EQUITY. You have got to work your butt off to achieve that victory. No ands, ifs, or buts. Persistent practice is the mother of skill.

GUTS. It takes fortitude to put yourself out there. You need to accept the possibility of failure while also developing a deep conviction and belief that failure is not an option.

These four key principles have been the foundation of my athletic career and they make up the competitive advantage inside of me. I have since adapted them to my personal and professional life.

Here's your personal competitive advantage challenge.

My challenge to you is to give them a try in your own life! Enter a contest in something you're passionate about. Hone your personal competitive advantage and go get your glories in business and in life!

About the Author: Joseph Norman is a passionate writer and speaker on personal development, branding, internet marketing, & investing. He also provides practical real estate investing tools for new and veteran investors. For more, visit his website at

Keywords: personal competitive advantage, competitive advantage, professional development, personal development, success

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