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The following article was published in our article directory on December 10, 2012.
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Prediction: Fiscal Cliff Resolved and Massive Government Spending Continues

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Ken Poirot

Is it my imagination or is our government holding us and our economy hostage yet again? It seems we have seen this play before so I can make a prediction for the upcoming newspaper headlines come the end of December – "Fiscal Cliff Resolved in the 13th Hour". Then leading into 2013 we will further see headlines like "Massive Government Spending Continues" and a numerous amount of stories about how big our deficit has grown – how much debt each and every American person owes – yes I also have the prediction that our massive government spending continues.

For those of you who keep hearing the term "Fiscal Cliff" and who are unsure about its exact meaning – I have a link to more information on my web site. Below is a definition from Wikipedia:

Fiscal Cliff

As defined in Wikipedia, "In the politics of the United States, the fiscal cliff is the presumptive effect of a number of laws which (if unchanged) would result in tax increases, spending cuts, and a corresponding reduction in the budget deficit beginning in 2013.1 These laws include tax increases due to the expiration of theBush tax cuts and spending cuts under the Budget Control Act of 2011. The Congressional Budget Office reported an increased risk of recession during 2013 if the deficit is reduced suddenly, while indicating that lower deficits and debt would in time improve long-term economic growth."

Prediction: Fiscal Cliff Resolved and Massive Government Spending Continues

Unfortunately, our financial markets and economy do not like the unknown – in this case the if, when, and how the fiscal cliff will be resolved. Once we get this behind us and every American is sure of exactly how the outcome will affect their daily lives we can continue our focus on productivity as a nation – the fiscal cliff and its lack of being resolved is a huge distraction. Many individuals, business owners, and corporations cannot end their planning for 2013 until they know how their net income (total gross income minus the uncertainty of what their 2013 tax rates) will be affected.

The government and our politicians are well aware the fiscal cliff has to be resolved in order for America to move forward. Yet instead of getting this resolved in a speedy, and timely manner our politicians continue to wrangle wrangle for political supremacy. Purposely trying to make the other party look bad and blaming it on the other party. I have a message for them – get the fiscal cliff resolved now!

Unfortunately, we now have a political system where the politicians seem to only care about getting reelected, continuing with massive government spending, and catering to special interests (whoever helps fund their political campaigns).

No one in Washington has the courage and selflessness to act on the true behalf of the American people as was the vision for our country at its inception, as per the Constitution of the United States:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." – Wikipedia United States Constitution Wikipedia

It seems our politicians have forgotten - they are in Washington to serve THE PEOPLE of the United States of America and not just help themselves or make decisions based upon owing a favor in return for campaign contributions, or just to get reelected. They are more concerned with how to remain in power than to get the fiscal cliff resolved or to curtail the massive government spending (which continues without limit so it seems).

Prediction: Fiscal Cliff Resolved and Massive Government Spending Continues

For these reasons, I make the prediction that massive government spending continues. No one in Washington wants to make the tough and hard decisions that will lead to them not being reelected – they are all in it for themselves. There was a reason the words, "We the People" were placed first and in large letters looming over the top of our Constitution. It seems our politicians need to get acquainted with the true meaning of our Constitution.

Do not get me wrong – we have the greatest country on the planet and I am proud to be an American. When I speak with people around the world and in my travels I have found no other country protects personal property and personal rights like the United States of America. Yes, our execution of these protections is not utopia and we have our flaws – but we are the greatest nation on the face of the planet.

I was never so proud to be an American as during my travels to the Ukraine. On one of my visits I was transferring in the airport in Moscow and I had some time to grab a bite to eat. Funny, TGIFridays in the Moscow airport. The best part of my meal was talking to a 20 year old Moscovite who was telling me how stupid his government was. How they get so much money from oil, but yet import all their textiles and it costs more money to build a kilometer of road in Moscow than to build a kilometer of the CERN nuclear collider in Europe. I paused and I stated how amazed I was that we were able to have this conversation – him openly and comfortably speaking out against his government in the Moscow airport surrounded by lots of people. Wow – who in my generation pre the break up of the Soviet Union ever thought there would be open, free speech without fear of persecution in Moscow?

Another proud American moment was during one of my visits to Kiev. The ex Prime Minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, had recently been imprisoned and there were protesters marching down the main street in Kiev – the police had cordoned off blocked off the street and stood watching the peaceful protesters march with their bull horns and banners speaking out against the current government. free speech and public protests against their government in an ex Soviet Union country. I walked by and I smiled – proud to see our cherished American value of free speech in action.

Prediction: Fiscal Cliff Resolved and Massive Government Spending Continues

Unfortunately for you and me – we have some serious issues no politician in the USA wants to deal with. We cannot afford Social Security or many of our government programs in their current form. Large corporations have largely gotten rid of pension plans (like Social Security) because they are too expensive and not sustainable. No politician will cut benefits we cannot afford as a nation – for fear those who receive the cuts will not vote for them in the future and for fear of being outcast by their political party – because it is not popular for their party to make these cuts and negatively affect the power of the party in elections (did I mention they only care about being reelected).

An estimated $5.8 billion was spent on the 2012 election – you can argue some of this money goes back into the economy but I would argue this money could have been spent for better purposes. As of today, the current national debt is over $16.3 trillion.

It is time to make the hard decisions and for our politicians to act for WE THE PEOPLE and not themselves.

If we did away with campaign contributions completely – none – make it illegal to give money to a politician in any way, shape, or form – there would be no special interests and no one to pay back for campaign contributions. Have three televised debates and be done with it – no other form of campaigning.

Eliminate the "all Republican or all Democratic" ticket voting – no third or other party can possibly compete against the stronghold of our current party system nationally – just due to how we currently cast ballots.

Make a comment on my web site and give your opinion. That is what makes America the greatest country on the planet – we are all free to have and express our opinions – in the end we can agree to disagree.

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For now it seems we have politics as usual – prediction: the fiscal cliff will be resolved in the 13th hour and massive government spending continues.

Go to my web site, Click on a banner, and Watch the video - GET PAID FOR YOUR OPINION!

About the Author: Ken Poirot is a seasoned successful businessman best jobs, work, total jobs. To find out more about Ken Poirot and the best jobs, work, and total jobs for your dream quality of life - click on the link above in this description.

Keywords: continues, fiscal cliff, fiscal cliff resolved, government, government spending, government spending continues, massive, massive government spending, prediction, resolved

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