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Spin Distribute has been a wonderful SEO service since early 2009. Unfortunately, after almost 14 years, it no longer meets the very strict quality criteria of our company.
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The following article was published in our article directory on November 19, 2012.
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Guide on How to Use WordPress

Article Category: Internet

Author Name: Todd Restrepo

In the present day , creating and writing blogs has been a popular way for online marketers to reach a specific audience. many individuals read blogs everyday to acquire information about a topic of their interest. That being so , many online marketers have turned their attention on different blogging software such as WordPress in order to jumpstart their career on blogging. Given that it is undeniable that WordPress is the most popular among all other blogging software, many people want to learn how to use it. It can be a little taxing to learn how to use WordPress; however, once you learn it, the opportunity for profitability is vast and stable.

The guidelines on how to use WordPress can be simple. The success of using WordPress depends on how much you have learned from a tutorial or WordPress training course. Naturally, using WordPress starts with its installation. Installing WordPress is automated and typically involves five steps. Prior to installation, ensure that you check the capabilities of your server. It is required that a serve includes a pre-defined MySQL databank. As soon as the initial uploading has taken place, you may now enter your basic information including your blog's name, contact details, password, and domain URL. After which, WordPress can already be used.

Steps or tips on how to use WordPress may include instructions on how you can personalize your blog. You can customize your WordPress blog through making use of templates and themes. A template is one of the most important components since it is what readers see as they visit your blog. In a sense, readers make their first impression on your blog through the template you use. WordPress offers a wide range of choices when it comes to templates. These templates are available for free on WordPress website. If you want other templates, you can obtain them from other websites; however, they usually come with a fee. Commercial web designers offer bloggers WordPress templates that are customized to give a unique feel and look to their websites. Although most of these commercial web designers ask for fees, it is usually worth every penny. Once you have chosen your template, you can upload and activate it on your website. You can further personalize your template by adding widgets and plugins.

If you want to adjust the default settings of specific WordPress functions, you may do so. Some of these functions include spam filters, links, authors, users, comment moderation, and archives among others.

If you are a beginner in WordPress, it is advisable that you consider your needs first in order to customize WordPress according to your preferences. WordPress is supported by different languages as well as levels of blogging. Decide whether you want to target a specific audience for profitability or simply narrate something about your everyday life so that you can maximize the advantages of WordPress.

About the Author: Learn How To Start Your Own Blog and produce life changing income! Todd Restrepo can teach you How To Use WordPress to build a successful online business to learn more visit:

Keywords: How To Start My Own Blog, Create My Own Blog, Make My Own Blog, Get Your Free Blog, WordPress Tutorials, WordPress Video Tutorials, How To Use WordPress, WordPress Training

Learn more about SpinDistribute Article Distribution System. We also offer a Pro Article Writing Service to everyone who needs premium quality well-researched articles. Network

Each article you submit at is sent through our innovative Article Distribution System to our network of more than 1840 publishers - about 55% of them are high-quality article directories, 30% of them are niche blogs and 15% of them are other content-rich websites.

To achieve the best possible success we only publish your article to most related websites. This means your article will show up on approximately 640 - 880 most related websites which will give you great SEO results.

We also offer a separate Professional Article Writing Service to everyone who's looking for high quality web content and well researched unique articles.

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