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The following article was published in our article directory on October 24, 2012.
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Google Penguin Update

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: John Curry

Has the Google Penguin update got you discouraged?

When I first began Web marketing, the Google Penguin update had actually simply been unleashed into the globe. You are going to find out a number of pieces of info to beat the Google Penguin update. If you discover what the update is, and how it works, then you will certainly more efficient comprehend the best ways to do your SEO so you can easily still rank even after the evil penguin and panda.

Your goal ought to be to obtain on web page one of Google, Yahoo, Bing, Youtube etc. If you could get your websites to place high in the search engines, you will certainly have the ability to produce hundreds, and thousands of leads for whatever business you are promoting. You will effectively vanquish your competition. It is really usual that a less-talented company, or individual will actually be a lot more successful than a professional, just due to the fact that they are more well-known.

They get very effective partly since they are on page one of the search engines. With the Google penguin update, it has actually come to be a lot more challenging to get on page one. I want to share with you several tips to damage the penguin and panda so you can prosper.

The penguin and panda updates are just major modifications in their "algorithms". These formulas are exactly what determines who ranks. In order to rank well, you just have to comprehend the guidelines of the game.

Panda: The Google Panda update was released in February (and yet another one in March) of 2012. This algorithm modification was made to de-index all of the high page rank blog site networks.

These networks were utilized to create hundreds of back-links for every person who got involved. Google unleashed the panda because they noticed this tricky trick to optimize your web page. This was not in fact a personal penalty, however it could have looked like it for some due to the fact that they did fall off of page one because of this straightforward modification.

Penguin was much even worse. For those people who were not hit in March, they were hit hard in April when Penguin struck. The Google Penguin update was where Google adjusted for keyword stuffing, and back-link anchor text over-optimization. If you used software to get great deals of back-links with your keyword in the anchor-text, you were most likely penalized hard.

The solution now is easy. Right here is what you have to do:

1. Create longer posts. In the past, 400-500 words were ideal. Now Google likes to see rich material with at least 700 words, anywhere from 700-1,500 words in a single article.

2. An additional thing you can do is go back into your old posts, and remove 50 % of the Anchor-text keywords, and change them with links like "click right here" "Go to this website" etc. ...

3. You still need great deals and great deals of back-links. You are going to desire high page-rank sites to be linking back to yours. These are much more important than lots of reduced pr websites.

4. Blog site networks still work, however only the ones that have not been de-indexed.

5. Make sure your material just gets uploaded to related blogs and directory sites. Does it make any type of sense to have business and money inside of a scrapbooking website?

6. Spin your posts. Make a top quality spin and have at least a 30 % special material. The more unique the better you will certainly place. I personally do 70 + % one-of-a-kind.

7. Get social, the future of SEO is in social media. If you can get your video clip, or post liked, and commented on, it will far outshine the competitors much simpler.

That is just how you truly optimize your web page even after the Google Penguin Update.

About the Author: John Curry is an expert when it comes to Google Penguin Update. To find out more on SEO, check out his video at

Keywords: Google Penguin Update, Penguin update, SEO, Google updates, Google Panda, Google Penguin

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