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The following article was published in our article directory on October 26, 2012.
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The Benefits of Smoking Weed

Article Category: Lifestyle

Author Name: Mr Gator

Who says that weed is all about addiction? With the increasing clamor to decriminalize the act of smoking weed, vocal protesters resurfaced countering personal choice as the greatest reason for marijuana's legalization. In fact, online sources who have been purely talking about the hazards associated with marijuana use are now incorporating the voices of weed advocates by presenting the benefits of it unlike before. Could this be a good sign? Learn about the benefits of smoking marijuana below.

As pain reliever. The medical community is not very vocal about it but the use of marijuana in lessening pain has helped a lot of patients with diseases like cancer and AIDS. Neurogenic pain is also currently being treated successfully by using marijuana. In terms of the human perspective of use, patients who are already undergoing palliative care can benefit from it. The probability of loss is there but at least it helps lessen people's suffering.

As a treatment. Marijuana has been scientifically proven to have medicinal benefits. First, its ability to cause muscles to relax has helped a lot in preventing seizures. Second, it can treat migraine. Third, studies show that marijuana is able to treat glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, and asthma. Fourth, it is shown to lessen the tics experienced by patients suffering from Tourette's syndrome. Fifth, on the neurological side, the effect of marijuana is shown to have helped decrease the obsessive symptoms of people with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

As alternative medication. A well-documented study last year shows that the effects of smoking weed can also treat patients who suffer from ADD and ADHD. Presently the most popular medicine administered is Ritalin. The only difference between the two is marijuana does not have the side effects manifested by patients who take Ritalin.

On Alzheimer's. Perhaps it can be considered a an advancement; marijuana has been demonstrated to block the brain deposits that cause Alzheimer's disease.

It boosts creativity. You know about musicians who get stoned first before writing songs. Lady Gaga is just one example of one of the influential people in music who admits to be high while writing songs. But be careful of drawing your conclusions. While stoned, some people cannot even write or think at all.

Better than cigarettes and alcohol. A cross-study found that smoking marijuana is better than tobacco and alcohol. The study reported evidence of marijuana actually relaxing the air passages in the body as opposed to the act of smoking's constricting it.

Memory. The function of marijuana in the process of recall is proposed under the Mind-State Theory. The theory proposes that when new information is learned while a person is high, he will be able to recall that information every time he is high.

If you notice, most of the benefits derived from smoking weed point to a common denominator: treatment. This means that there is now a substantial argument that should allow for legalization. On the other end, the recreational use of marijuana is still subject for further deliberation. Until then, you cannot get caught in possession of it.

About the Author: Mr Gator is an expert when it comes to Smoking Weed. To find out everything about Smoking Weed, visit

Keywords: smoking weed

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