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The following article was published in our article directory on October 10, 2012.
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Earn Money From Home - What It Really Takes

Article Category: Marketing

Author Name: Roy Dunne

Why Do So Few of Us Truly Earn Money From Home?

A great deal of advertising messages for different systems on how to earn money from home are, for the most part, full BS; some by untrue claims, and others by omission of the facts. That fact is this: if you realistically expect to earn money from home you need to put in the work to make that cash!

Here's the primary problem: many of us tend to put 1/10 of the energy to do any work for ourselves as we would for doing something for another person. I'll be the very first to admit guilt in this department. Without someone pushing me I have the tendency to be either completely inert in my business, or I do just one blog post every few days, wipe my brow as if I actually did something, and call it a week.

But when I worked, whether it was in the Army or as a massage therapist, I always ensured that I got the work done on time, and I did it right. When we understand that we're getting paid, we often provide the energy necessary to do the work to make certain we keep getting paid. And there's a threat of getting fired if we do not (unless you're in the military, in which case you WISH they would fire you.)

When trying to earn money from home, however, that's the cursed perk of being your very own boss: no matter how bad of a job you do or how little you do it, you're never going to fire yourself, specifically with as low of an overhead that we have as home based business owners. If you or I expect to earn money from home on a full time basis, we need to shake that terrible, detrimental state of mind immediately.

To get your business to succeed, you need to put your actions, your heart and soul into this as if there were absolutely nothing else. Believe it will work, and act and work as if you thought it would work. If you hit some speed bumps along the way, roll over them and keep going.

Why a few of us are able to earn money from home, and why others are not:

One who is on the road to success thinks and acts as if it will work, whether the reality around him conforms to those beliefs. The other one doubts that it will work and his actions mirror this.

Act as if it's true, and with adequate persistency it will become real.

The Action Steps - What It Truly Takes to Earn Money From Home Full Time:

1. Have a high converting message. You need to have a message that gets people curious, and offers people a little taste of what you have to offer. Click below for an example of what one of these web pages would look like.

2. Get a lot of people to see this high converting message - you need to deliver adequate people to your message to where at least 30 people per day enter their email to see your sales web page.

3. Get 2 signups a day by promoting a first class product that people see massive value in.

I understand that not every person has the desire or capability to produce all of their own materials, their own product, going to research sales psychology to get people to fall in love with getting what you have, and all of the other craziness that would come with it. If you need to earn money from home now then you do not want to have to bother with all that. You need something that has the total package deal today. Click at the bottom of the page now to see something that 2 ex-homeless men produced to help their people earn over $ 6.1 Million in 5 months.

4. Be consistent in your work; repeat steps 2 & 3 day-to-day.

If you're consistent in your work, you'll eventually beat out everyone, even the gurus.

At some point your business will build to the point where you almost don't have to do anything at all once you work to construct the strong base to bring in 2 sales a day. It might take a full 8-16 hours a day of work per day at the start, but it will take far less work over time, once you get that foundation in place. Once that base is set, however, being able to earn money from home is virtually too easy.

The One Key Ingredient That Must Be In Place To Be successful:

The distinction between you and the success that you want is believing that a certain number of dollars, a particular number of leads, a certain number of sales, and a certain number of team members who will want to run with you, is possible for you. When your belief is there, your energy will change, you'll feel motivated to build the base for your work, and a whole world of possibility starts to completely open up for you.

Don't consider your fear. Look at where you want to be, focus ALL of your work and energy there, and do whatever it takes to GET THERE!

Produce your story, because people need to hear what you have to say. Come through & live your dreams to show others how to live theirs.

Of course the real present isn't just being able to earn money from home; the real payoff in our industry is the very first time that somebody informs you that what you did changed their life for the better, like when you have them tell you for the very first time that they were able to pay off their mortgage, that they can now be full-time parents. That is far more worthy than the money alone that you make in this industry, and that is what you can provide to people when you determine now to produce your story, do the work consistently, and keep your hope alive until the end.

P.S. Earning money from home is not easy at the beginning, but I can not fully convey to you how absolutely rewarding it is. When you do join us you will not be doing this alone. I am extending to you a direct invite to crush whatever worries may be gnawing at you about being able to earn money from home on a full time basis and Click Here to lock arms with us and fight the forces of evil.

About the Author: Roy Dunne is a 6 year veteran in the home based business field, and has actually done comprehensive analysis on how to earn money from home. If you want to earn money from home, then click the link above for more details.

Keywords: earn money from home

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