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The following article was published in our article directory on October 19, 2012.
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Wireless Burglar Alarms for Home Security

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Steve Holland

Numerous studies have shown that having a burglar alarm system (such as wireless burglar alarms) at home greatly reduces the risk of the property being burglarized. On the average, homes without alarms are three times more likely to be victimized by burglars compared to homes with alarm systems. This figure applies to working-class and high-income neighborhoods. On the other hand, business establishments without alarm systems are five times more likely to be burglarized in comparison to alarm-equipped establishments.

A survey conducted on one of the wealthiest communities in the Unites States has confirmed the aforementioned figures. Although burglars favor victimizing homes in the $301,000 to $600,000 value range, these criminals shy away from the most expensive homes which may have more complicated and hidden security features. One interesting fact discovered in the survey involves having a yard sign informing the public that an alarm system is installed in the house. Seven out of ten alarm-equipped homes have a yard sign and were not victimized by burglars.

When considering installing wireless burglar alarms it is important to include other security features as well. Burglar alarms work well when combined with other measures. One effective measure is to have a dog that can alert the owner of a potential intruder. Regardless of size, most dogs will attack an intruder and the barking noise is enough to alert anyone in the house. Other security measures include setting up lighting in strategic places and installing dead bolt locks in doors.

Generally, professional burglars tend to shy away from alarm-enabled homes, particularly those equipped with wireless burglar alarms. An internal security consultant (who was a professional burglar of more than 30 years before changing careers) narrated that experience dictates that alarm-enabled house in a residential area is bad news. Meanwhile, an alarm-enable house with a guard dog is even more dangerous to break into. Most of the time, a burglar would prefer to break into a house without a dog or alarm or both.

It is said that burglar alarms are most effective in situations wherein the burglar has attempted to break into a house but later changed his hind after seeing the alarm or tripping it. In a survey of cases involving failed burglaries, three out of four cases were attributed to the presence of an alarm in the house. An important element identified was the audible noise generated by the alarm system. In another survey, most burglars try to avoid alarm systems connected to the police department since they only have less than 15 minutes to escape after tripping the alarm. For burglars breaking into non-protected homes, they do not face this time constraint and would normally succeed in stealing valuable items from their victims.

Homeowners using wireless burglar alarms recommend having one installed as soon as possible after moving in. In a survey of suburban homes, 8 out of 10 homeowners feel more secure. In addition, 12 percent disclosed that their alarm systems actually prevented a burglar from entering while another five percent had one installed after knowing that their neighbors have an alarm system installed.

About the Author: Steven Holland founded Ace Alarms in 2006 and has over 17 years experience from the security industry.

Keywords: Wireless Burglar Alarms

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