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The following article was published in our article directory on September 21, 2012.
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Changing Your Present (Beliefs)

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Ignacio Ceja

There is a great focus today on quantum physics and how it applies to our daily lives. The general reason that drives people to read about and apply this field of study is finding ways to change their lives. Many books talk about changing your desires, changing your focus, and changing your ideas all in an effort to change your future. And it's important to have goals and a philosophy that helps you to move confidently toward the future that you desire. The one problem is that people get hung up on the future of their dreams and they fail to see any benefit to their present. In failing to see changes now, the possibility of their desired future seems quite distant, if unattainable.

Getting to a future of your dreams is very important, but if the present that you are experiencing is weighing you down, you may begin to feel discouraged, you may begin to feel that the manifestation of your dreams is impossible. The present is the result of the past, and it must be accepted as is, as Deepak Chopra said in his book The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

The question is, how do you manifest a future that you desire, while still making positive changes to your present that will allow you to begin now to see the rewards that you are working toward? The answer to this mystery is an incredibly simple one, but one that must be explored to be understood.

Choices are the Result of Beliefs

Your today is the result of a wide variety of choices that you have made in the past, leading up to now. You see yourself and your environment as reflections of, and results of, those past choices. But what fueled those choices? In a realm of infinite possibilities, why did you make the choices that you made? We all make choices based on our beliefs. We believe that certain outcomes are possible or real for us and we make choices based on those beliefs. Even when a different result, perhaps even a more positive result is made apparent to us, we'll overwhelmingly make choices based on our beliefs.

Our beliefs run us; they are like a human operating system. They form the script we learned from our parents, our siblings, our teachers, our religious leaders, our friends, and this script is what we use to run our lives, whether we realize it or not. And since our beliefs inform the choices that we made and make each day, our beliefs are the reason we are where we are. My beliefs are the reason I'm a college student, because I believe and I know that it's possible and I can do this. Beliefs are why some people just know that they can do something well. Beliefs are also the reason why some people never try anything new, or why they fail in every attempt. They believe that they can't, or that they can't succeed.

Beliefs Are In Charge

There's more. Thinking people tend to believe that they are in charge of their own lives. We are taught to take responsibility for our actions, after all. But if you are unconscious of your own beliefs, you are being operated by a script, and chances are very high that you are not the author of that script. And yet, you have to take responsibility for every choice you make based on that script.

So, if your today is shaped by the script of your belief, the in order to make a better today, you must address your beliefs. Now, not all of your beliefs are bad. Some are quite helpful, but you must make an honest assessment of the beliefs that work for you, and those that don't.

If you have beliefs that not only fight against your dreams, but also make your current reality difficult, then you have to have the courage to look at each of those beliefs and bring their opposite into your awareness.

How about an example? If you tend to run out of money before the end of your pay period, then you probably believe that "there's too much month at the end of the money" as the song says. Based on this belief, you have a reality that supports it. It probably happened once or twice that you made choices that led you to run out of money, so you thought that this must always be the case, and so it became your belief, and thus your reality.

Beliefs are NOT Facts

You have to realize that beliefs are not true. They aren't hard facts, they are just mental constructs that inform our realities because we think they are true. After all, if the belief that there's never enough money to carry you through the pay period were a truth rather than a belief, then everyone would run out of money before the end of their respective pay periods. Since this doesn't happen to everyone, it simply isn't true. But it seems to be true for you because you have formed a belief that it is so, and so it's your reality.

In order to change your reality in this issue, you must first change your belief. Trying to change the money won't work, because your physical reality is based on your inner beliefs, what you believe to be real. If you got more money, but you still held this belief, you would soon find that in spite of having more money, you would run out of it before the end of the pay period.

Beliefs Can Be Changed

How do you change a belief? You must discover and then affirm it's opposite. In this case, instead of believing that there isn't enough money to last through the pay period, you must affirm and believe that there is more than enough money. You can say something like, "I have more than enough money to last through payday," and "My cash at hand accumulates with each payday."

Now at first you will feel resistance to these new thoughts. As Joe Vitale says, you have to realize that these resistant thoughts are nothing more than other beliefs, and if your belief about there not being enough money is not a truth, than these other beliefs are not truth either. Recognize these resistant beliefs for what they are and release them. Don't fight them, just let them go and keep affirming your new beliefs. Over time, your new beliefs will become part of you, and you'll know that this is so first when you feel no resistance to them, and then when they show up as your reality.

You must do this with each belief that you find which doesn't serve you. Over time, you'll find your today is good, and that the future you are reaching for is closer than you think.

Change Your Beliefs, Create Your Own Script, Change Your Life

About the Author: Ignacio Ceja is a long time student of the personal development movement. He avidly works on himself and writes up his findings in an effort to help others. Visit his website at Receive his inspirational weekly emails, click here.

Keywords: beliefs

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