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The following article was published in our article directory on August 27, 2012.
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Androgenic Alopecia has Virtually nothing to Do with Your Papa

Article Category: Medicines and Remedies

Author Name: Sherman Knight

Hundreds of 1000's of People from all walks of life deal with the thinning of hair every single day.

Many feel the loss of their hair follicles is unavoidable. Many feel that due to the fact that their dad has receding hair that they as well will experience the same consequence. Typically, baldness is deemed a symptom of aging and as everyone else is shedding their locks to a greater or smaller extent, what the heck, "hairless is lovely," right?

Stop-- Rewind - Return to the part where "The majority feel the decline of their hair is inescapable."

Whilst there is no means to fight genetics as a root cause of hair thinning in people, there are truly a number of tweaks to that tail which you could find informative.

Before we reach the tweaks, let's define a term, or two. Androgenic Alopecia, is a forty nine penny term meaning hair loss as a result of genes in men. Though Females can suffer their own type of Alopecia (universalis), and certainly not to diminish the devastation they cope with in the loss of their amazing hair, a decidedly larger pool of men suffer what is often dubbed "male pattern hair loss," compared to females battling their specific hair loss beasts. Just about two thirds of all Western Civilization guys experience some type of Alopecia, and the age at which the difficulty first makes itself known can vary from early 20's to late 50's or beyond.

So, just what are the tweaks we are referring to and just why Western Civilization? Here are a handful of facts and myths that permeate the topic of hair loss in males.

For example:

Lots of folks think that their hair loss, or the absence thereof, may perhaps be detected early on by looking at their dad to take stock of the state of his noggin. That, I'm afraid, is a fable. The tendency to lose ones hair is passed down through the Mother's genes, instead of the Father. So, if you truly wish to determine what you may well resemble in 30 years (hair wise), look at your Mom's father, not your own.

Here is another general mistaken belief. Testosterone (particularly in elevated levels) is the trigger of hair loss in adult males. That is a complicated one, given that in a roundabout way that is correct, however in reality it is not really testosterone that is the hair loss fairy, but a beastly little enzyme referred to as dihydrotestosterone, or DHT for short. Our system acts upon testosterone to convert some of it to DHT and it's the DHT that tears into the hair follicles making them to dwindle and eventually to close up completely. And once the follicle is sealed the hair itself might cease to exist, never to lift up its pretty head (or in this case, hair) once again.

Here is one more. Folks claim there is no way to fight ancestral hair loss. This is simply not accurate. Hereditary baldness may result in some reduction of hair and there is no getting around that. But, the genes that provide the proclivity for hair loss can be cancelled (so to speak) by dynamic, concentrated, and steady application of good hair regimens. This is not a quick term task, but rather is a prolonged, in certain cases lifelong term project. The reward, of course, is attractive, nutrient rich, thick hair.

Why Western Civilization? Well ok it is really much more than merely Western Civilization; perhaps it is all of "Civilization." And, it is simply an opinion, yet in examining less complex cultures, ones which exist chiefly on the land (including aboriginal people in South America, Africa, parts of Asia, the near east, in rural Russia (pre split up) and in the United States, you just don't ever see bald headed men. The medicine men, and other healers in those societies offer natural and organic treatments which appear to enable the men maintain a complete head of hair. Consider it. Have you previously viewed one of those traditional photos, out of National Geographic, of some tribe living on the Amazon? No bald noodles there; absolutely not.

The deterrence of hair loss could take numerous forms; some more radical compared to other people. The most simple, and without a doubt the least pricey is to do absolutely nothing and just allow nature take its course. For those contented with a sparsely populated dome, allow the follicles fall where they might. For the rest of us, various systems, from convoluted hair transplants to basic vitamin programs for hair health, exist. And, while most are openly available on the web, some due diligence needs to be performed in front of launching into any hair loss prevention program.

The best advice is to stay with well known brands, and components which are either familiar (occurring in nature), or have been approved by the FDA. One online site, http//, is advised if you want more data about Androgenic Alopecia and other hair loss regimens. Please check it out.

About the Author: Sherman Knight is an expert when it comes to natural remedies for hair growth. To find out everything about ways to stimulate hair growth, visit his website at

Keywords: to stimulate hair growth, stimulate hair growth, male pattern baldness, androgenic alopecia, alopecia, hair growth remedies, natural hair growth, natural remedies for hair growth

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