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The following article was published in our article directory on September 5, 2012.
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From Sinai to Your iPad - An Introduction to the Ten Commandments

Article Category: Religion

Author Name: Chris Bradley

Isn't it great that the 10 Commandments are the first really important messages to be sent on tablets? Well these commandments written by God's very finger may not be inscribed via digital media, but they are many notches above Fred Flintstone's writing style. Setting the pun aside, the Decalogue is one of the most influential documents ever to be published in human history.

These divinely inspired laws have been interpreted by some of the largest religious traditions in history. They are accepted as binding in the lives of people who practice Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and even the Samaritan religious tradition. Of course, even though the Decalogue is accepted in its entirety by each of these major religions there are differences in the interpretation of certain points or statutes of this set of laws.

Looking Into the Tradition from Sinai

The 10 Commandments are declared a couple of times in the first half of the Bible called the Old Testament. In essence these stipulations of law were revealed to Moses since he did not formulate these laws himself. According to Biblical tradition, these commandments were given to the said prophet by God Himself.

Now, to further cement the validity of this law the Bible points out that it is God Himself who wrote these laws or commandments on stone tablets. The exact wording in the text is that God's very finger wrote the formula of the well-renowned Decalogue.

There is a bit of a controversy with how the commandments are arranged on the two tablets mentioned in scripture. Some traditions hold that each of the two tablets contained all ten of the said commandments, one tablet being a copy of the other. Other traditions hold that five were written in one and the other five written on the other tablet.

Another interesting trivia about these tablets is that there were actually two sets of tablets that contained them. The first set was given to Moses in Exodus 20 verses 1 to 17. However, this original pair of tablets was destroyed by Moses himself when he found the Israelites worshipping a golden calf (Exodus chapter 32). The second set of tablets was cut by Moses and the inscriptions were rewritten by God.

The Book of Exodus is not the only part of the Bible where the 10 Commandments are enunciated. They are later recapitulated in the Book of Deuteronomy. Of course, as with the case of ancient commandments given to Israel, the Decalogue will become a topic of discussion on more than one occasion in holy writ.

For example, in the New Testament, Jesus recapitulates these commandments in Matthew 19:18-19. In his teachings, Jesus even summarized these commandments into two main commandments; namely to love God and to love your fellowman.

Jesus is not the only one in the New Testament to ever offer interpretations of the laws contained in the Decalogue. The apostle Paul also recaps five of these commandments in his letter to the Roman saints (Romans 13:9). It should also be observed from the writings of Paul that obedience to God's commandments, including the 10 Commandments, is a vital part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

About the Author: Article written by Chris Bradley, You can find out more about the ten commandments bible gateway and baptism of the holy spirit verses.

Keywords: 10 commandments or fruits of the Holy Spirit

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