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The following article was published in our article directory on September 3, 2012.
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Brief Explanations on the Principles Taught in the 10 Commandments

Article Category: Religion

Author Name: Chris Bradley

Many authorities in the God's word still say that the 10 Commandments remain today as a beacon of light for all true believers in Jesus Christ. Obedience is part and parcel of any true disciple of the Master. In fact, holy writ requires all who are truly saved to be obedient and live a life of Christ-like emulation.

The Decalogue is revered not by Christians alone. In fact, other faith traditions like Islam and Judaism also show utter reverence for these commandments as they were handed down by God to man. Moses indeed is a universal figure not only among Israelites but by the huge majority of people in the world today.

Digging a Bit Deeper Into the Stipulations of the 10 Commandments

Some people have observed that obedience to these ten fundamental commandments of God often opens the way to the molding of an obedient soul. This means that the one who knows these commandments, understands them, and obeys them is setting himself up to become more obedient to the glorious gospel principles of Jesus Christ.

The first commandment in the Decalogue can be found in Exodus 20:3. It states that "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" (King James Version). Some people interpret this as going beyond mere idolatry. This commandment can also be seen as a command to serve God with all the energy of our being.

This commandment is further stressed in the next verse where it states that man should not make any graven image. We may not bow down today before images hewn out of rock or wood but we may bow down to other equally potent gods that the true God despises. They include our careers, money, possessions, social status, and any other thing that separates us from the God's love and our true discipleship to Christ.

Taking God's name in vain (Exodus 20:7) simply means to give reverence to the being of God. This reverence is manifested in the way we speak, we interact with others, and the way we live our lives. Since no one else can do the work of worshipping for you, giving due reverence to the divine is an individual responsibility.

The next commandment is a bit controversial (Exodus 20:8) since the subject of the Sabbath and how to keep it holy has been debated since the time of Christ himself. The important matter here is that we should not devote our entire lives in the pursuit of human interests. A portion of our time and talents should be devoted to God and His service.

Honoring father and mother (Exodus 20:12) is a commandment that is binding to us still. This also means that the promise it contains is still binding in our lives today. "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13) is not only stipulated in divine law but in human laws as well. Committing adultery, Christ's teaching, is not limited to the act of adultery itself. It encompasses any act that is similar to it or that will lead to it.

The Decalogue also requires Christians to be honest in all their dealings with other human beings. It also requires us not to covet that which is not ours. The 10 Commandments can be viewed as a fundamental pattern of a Christ-like life.

About the Author: Article written by Chris Bradley, You can find out more about the ten commandments bible niv and baptism holy spirit prayer.

Keywords: 10 commandments or fruits of the Holy Spirit

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