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The following article was published in our article directory on August 24, 2012.
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The 10 Commandments

Article Category: Religion

Author Name: Chris Bradley

Following the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, God formed a covenant with his people which stood as his assurance to deliver them to the promised land. In exchange, the people would adhere to his rules. Today, these 10 Commandments remain to be a basic precept of the Christian faith. These words held so much importance that God chose to have them written on tablets made of stone instead of a scroll signifying how everlasting they should be.

The 10 Commandments Interpreted

The 10 Commandments can be found in Exodus 20:1-17 and revisited in Deuteronomy 5:6-21. We take a look at each commandment as follows trying to decipher what they mean.

I am the Lord your God: you shall not have other gods before me.

God commands from us complete and singular faith. He does not wish us to worship any other God beyond him and that He should always be put first in our lives.

You shall not make idols to worship.

This is tied with the first commandment and would be a deceptively simple command to follow but most of us, in this day and age, worship other objects and we are not even aware of doing so. How many times have you forsaken going to church opting instead to go out and have fun? Or do you value money or material possessions in your lives so much so that you are fuelled by greed? If he is not at the center of our hearts and our complete focus then we are not abiding by his commands.

You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.

Uttering the name of the Lord should always be done with reverence and meaning. To use it so without regard like in the phrase 'oh my god' is a sign of disrespect and thoughtlessness.

Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day

The Lord has repeatedly mentioned in the Bible for believers to reserve the day of Sabbath as a holy day of worship devoted to enrich our faith. He understands that learning his word and building a relationship with him and other believers requires time and effort hence the need to devote one day of the week for this purpose.

Honor your father and mother.

Respect should unquestionably be given to the people who took care of us and raised us since infancy. This also places increased importance on maintaining familial relationships as the basic social unit.

You shall not kill.

This is a fairly straightforward commandment. God firmly believes that no man is allowed to take the life of another who is innocent of a crime but his alone. He is commanding us to exemplify love and respect to the human life since it is the greatest gift he has given all of us.

You shall not commit adultery.

In this commandment, God is asking us to respect the sanctity of marriage by not engaging in wilful sexual acts with a person outside of it. What God is encouraging is for us to seek significant relationships instead of ones based on physical pleasure.

You shall not steal.

Stealing is taking something that you want but do not possess from someone else. It is disrespecting another person's right to own and leads us to dishonesty. He is also teaching us that material possessions shouldn't be the measure of a fulfilled life.

You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Truthfulness is something that the Lord values. Lying, especially to the detriment of someone else, would lead to even greater sin.

You shall not covet your neighbor's wife or your neighbor's goods.

Envy is also a sin that God frowns upon because it would lead us to dissatisfaction and prompt us to even further sin such as stealing, adultery or lying.

In the end, keeping with God and keeping with his commandments is truly the only way to achieve true bliss in life.

About the Author: Article written by Chris Bradley, You can find out more about the ten commandments bible gateway and filling of the holy spirit.

Keywords: 10 commandments or fruits of the Holy Spirit

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