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The following article was published in our article directory on August 16, 2012.
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How To Get A Man And Keep Him Forever!

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Sarah James

Do you ever ask yourself the best ways to get a good man and keep him or ways to get a man emotionally attached to you, how to get a man interested in you again, the best ways to get a man to love you, the best ways to keep a man attracted to you, ways to keep a man coming back or the best ways to keep a man forever?

Yes, I'm sure you have. Besides, this is what most of us prefer isn't really it? We all wish to be liked and to not have to stress over losing our guy mentally or physically.

Have you ever before questioned why some guys treat their ladies like a princess even well PAST the dating phase?

Even after many years these guys STILL purchase flowers, they remember EVERY special occasion and they provide their ladies their FULL attention when they are with them.

They NEVER EVER retreat to the garage, NEVER overlook them to watch the football game on TV and NEVER disappear for hours on end to play golf with their "buddies."

Well current reports from relationship analysts (yes, those do exist!) say that you can really get that precise SAME love, attention and warmth from your guy, despite exactly how long you've been together or just how rocky your relationship may be.

The Secret to Getting Your Man to Treat YOU Like a Princess ...

The secret to uncovering this exact same love and devotion from your guy is probably something you've never considered.

But once you recognize the secret, you can essentially alter your man and influence him to treat you much better ... also like a princess.

Now before you accuse me of heresay, let me explain by asking you a question:

Is there something you or your guy do that REALLY gets him going?

You understand just what I'm talking about ... perhaps it's a word, or a particular look, maybe a flick of the hand or a shoulder shrug - something that REALLY gets under his skin?

Whatever it is you UNDERSTAND it drives him batty and the outcome is usually the exact same.

Within milliseconds, his face turns the color of a boiled lobster; his heart almost leaps out of his chest and he either explodes with rage, he runs away to the garage and you don't see him for hours, or he simply sits there...stone-faced, not saying a word.

WHAT just happened?

His Mind Was Merely Hijacked ...

Familiar with the fight or flight response? Well, you merely saw it and it's the reason why a simple argument can easily turn into an all-out war.

Every one of us has a little internal guard on duty 24/7 in our brain. It's called the amygdala and it's the little walnut-sized part of your mind responsible for notifying the body to danger.

The amygdala processes incoming info and automatically searches your memory bank to figure out if it recognizes the info as friend or foe.

All of this takes place instantaneously, and if the brain has memory of that word or action and the memory is bad ... the body goes into an automatic unfavorable reaction over which you have practically NO control.

It's called neural hijacking and it actually stops love, warmth, and intimacy from having the ability to get in the relationship.

And this automated unfavorable reaction is induced by those little shoulder shrugs, those eye rolls ... and anything else you may do that has actually conditioned your man to respond adversely.

And when this happens, it's game over - your guy won't listen to ANYTHING you state after this and you'll both go round and round with finger-pointing, name-calling and laying blame on each other.

The best ways to Get rid of these Triggers and Develop a Deep Emotional Connection ...

The good news is that you can easily find what these causes are (for BOTH of you) and set the stage for both of you to plant, nurture, and collect new sensations of love and intimacy.

Right here's exactly what you do:

First, consider a few actions you understand set him off. Be specific. You know just what they are, if you dig deep enough - you utilize a "tone," you make a face, you have a specific phrase you say when talking about a touchy topic, whatever.

And when you make use of any of these things, you get a negative response from him. Write those down now and remember them.

Second, go straight to the source: ask him what you do that sets off his emotional firebombs. But don't get defensive ... let him have his say ... merely pay attention.

He could feel reluctant at first to share, or maybe he's not even aware that there might be something particular connected to his going off. Regardless, after you begin compiling your list, right here is exactly what you do ...

Prevent those words or actions at ALL COSTS.

It's as simple as that.

Unless you actually want to end up a divorce statistic or you truly delight in sorting through dating websites, avoid doing those behaviors or saying those words that trigger problems in your relationship.

When these are gone ... your partner will not have those psychological blocks or love filters, and you'll have a much simpler time building intimacy and love once again.

This really works and relationship therapist, Randy Bennett, has actually been using this idea and numerous others for 25 years, teaching it to every woman who comes to him needing to know how to melt her guy's heart ... and in return, have her man treat her like he did when they initially began dating - like a princess!

If you would like to find out more - you can easily go to this website There you will discover more details that explains in much more detail about exactly just how you can establish a deep emotional connection with your man and ways to keep a man faithful, thrilled and ways to keep your man in love with you

No one truly discusses this technique and it's a shame, because it's extremely powerful and works in practically any situation.

It's something you MUST recognize if you want to recognize precisely just what your man REALLY wants, what makes men tick, and the best ways to get him to shower you with the love, care, and devotion you are worthy of ... not because you are requiring him to do it, but because he in fact WISHES TO do it.

About the Author: Do You Know What Men Secretly Want? WARNING you're doing the oppositeCLICK HERE To learn HOW TO GET A GOOD MAN AND KEEP HIM

Keywords: how to get a good man and keep him, how to get a man emotionally attached to you, how to get a man interested in you again, how to get a man to love you, how to keep a man attracted to you, how to keep a man coming back, how to keep a man forever,how to melt a man's heart, how to keep a man faithful, how to keep a man excited, how to keep your man in love with you, what makes men tick

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