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The following article was published in our article directory on July 23, 2012.
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How to Shift from Negative Energy to Positive Energy

Article Category: Self Help

Author Name: Ignacio Ceja

Shifting from a state of negative energy to positive energy is a critical skill in managing not only your outlook on life and the direction of your day, but also your ability to reach out to and communicate with other people.

Films and books like The Secret have made the concept of manifesting your desires an everyday theme. In reality, these concepts are perennial, and perhaps have been with us since the people first realized the power of focused attention. One of the critical concepts associated with these works is the quality of your personal energy. It's naïve to think that we can simply learn a few ideas and then have an unending stream of great, positive days filled with white light and bunnies. Things happen. Life happens. Other people happen. Your day can go from positive, to neutral, to negative. This can happen in an instant, and the distraction that caused it can be annoying or it can be demoralizing. Maybe someone cuts you off in traffic. Maybe you get bad news from a family member, or even from your own doctor. How do you shift from negative energy to positive energy in such a situation? Here are a some suggestions that can help.

Present Moment Focus

Bring your attention back to the present moment. This may sound elementary, but when you are on the phone with someone and you get bad news, you aren't in your living room with a telephone receiver to your ear anymore. You've been mentally whisked away to someone's home, or to a hospital, or the scene of an accident. Bring yourself back to your present moment and focus on where you are. Listen to the phone conversation and continue to get as much information as you can. Take a deep cleansing breath and then decide what to do next. Remember that flying off the handle in a state of negative energy can cause you to make bad decisions. You don't want to rush off to any situation with only half of your mind present and get into an accident yourself. Come back to the present moment, focus and try to neutralize your emotional state. Being in a state of neutral energy is better than being in a state of negative energy. Decide what to do next and do it. Your focused action will help you to maintain neutrality, and as you proceed in doing what needs to be done, you may find that you are able to think more objectively about the situation. In a situation that is on the lower end of the critical scale, you may start to feel better about your ability to contribute to its solution and positive energy will result.

Puppy Focus

Sometimes a minor disturbance jars our composure and results in what I can "positive energy leaks." For some, this can be something as simple as a glass of water being spilled on the counter, someone pulling up behind you just as you are getting ready to back out of a parking space, or the traffic light turning changing just as you get to it. In these moments, we feel annoyed and our state slowly changes to that of negative energy. Stop and take a deep breath. Realize that this situation is not life altering, and will either resolve itself, or can be resolved with a little communication. "Little communication" in this case does not refer to rude gestures. In the meantime, you can't ignore your energy state. Here's a little secret. Your energy state, which is usually apparent to you by your mood, acts like any other form of matter in the universe. It won't shift position on its own without being acted on. If you encounter a situation that results in a positive energy leak, your mood will slowly shift to negative and will stay that way until something else sufficiently distracts you and causes a shift toward positive energy. All the while, your negative energy is drawing more negative things toward you. What can you do to shift back to positive energy? Think of something that makes you feel good. It can be a scene from a movie, a friend who is always uplifting, or your favorite flower. It can even be a puppy. Picture a group of puppies tumbling and playing. As you see things that make you feel good, your energy will start to shift and your state of positive energy will return.

Positive energy is your friend. Shift your energy. Shift your day. Shift your life.

About the Author: Ignacio Ceja has been a long time student of the personal development movement and is constantly working on himself. Having completed a twenty year career in the US Navy, he is currently working on a degree in American Sign Language Interpretation. Visit his webpage at

Keywords: positive energy, negative energy

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