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The following article was published in our article directory on July 7, 2012.
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FUE Hair Transplants for Hair Loss

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Nick Dimakos

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a procedure of collecting donor hair for follicular unit transplant (hair replacement). A follicular unit is a natural grouping of up to 3 (in rare situations, 4) hair follicles found in skin. A circular laceration is made around the unit, and it is pulled from the scalp. The wounds left are about 1mm in dimension and recover in seven to 10 days, leaving little marks. The procedure can take several hours and might even be repeated over consecutive days until sufficient hair has been collected for the transplant. FUE varies from conventional FUT (follicular unit transplant) in that the last procedure involves eliminating the follicular units in long, thin strips rather than independently. The procedure extracting the units separately leaves less obvious scarring at the donor internet site.

For the transplant, the technique asks for little recipient internet sites to be cut into the scalp using needle like instruments. The follicular units are then inserted into the recipient websites where they resume their typical feature as hair follicles. In traditional FUT, the harvested strip of follicular units is is cut into individual follicular units after harvesting utilizing a stereo-microscope, so the technique of implantation is similar for typical FUT and FUE. The difference is in the number and quality of grafts for usage in hair replacement.

The decreased scarring included in the follicular unit extraction hair replacement procedure makes it well fit for people that favor to don their hair short. The long scars of traditional FUT approaches are more visible. The smaller sized cut sites heal a lot faster, so active homeowner, such as athletes and military personnel, will have the ability to go back to their activities faster following the treatment. For these exact same explanations, people who have currently gone through traditional FUT and have actually recovered badly are prime candidates for FUE hair replacement. Follicular units could be gathered from around the site of linear scarring and implanted over the top of the mark so that it mixtures in with the rest of the scalp.

Follicular unit extraction is a more flexible hair replacement procedure than typical FUT. The doctor is not restricted to the scalp for FUE, however might take facial hair and hair from the trunk, though there are limits to this. FUE should not be thought about less intrusive than FUT, though. In both situations, the harvesting needs incisions to be made. In the situation of FUE, hundreds of cuts might be made, though they are incredibly small compared to typical FUT techniques, in which dozens of long, thin lacerations are made. Both are surgical and mildly intrusive processes.

The two procedures of Follicular unit extraction and follicular unit transplant are not contending, mutually unique hair replacement strategies. The procedure of implantation following the harvesting of the donor follicular units is the same. Just the method in which grafts are collected from the philanthropist varies, and this impacts the number and quality of grafts. In standard FUT, the collection of a narrow strip of follicular units enables the surgeon to improve the number and quality of functional grafts by isolating most them from the surgical injury included in harvesting. When the units are cut out separately, they are more exposed to secondary damage. The usage of robot surgical tools ameliorates this risk in FUE, however. Traditional FUT also enables the doctor to utilize the more permanent parts the donor's hair. If follicular unit extraction were over made use of in the long-term area of a philanthropist scalp, a sizable bald patch would be left, where as the bald patch left by typical FUT might be much narrower.

Keywords: hair transplant, hair transplantation, hair transplant doctor,FUE transplants

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