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The following article was published in our article directory on July 18, 2012.
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How Green Barley Aids in Keeping Diabetics Healthy

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Eidderf Tubale

Let's get it straight: Green barley does not cure diabetes. It only improves the health condition of diabetic patients. The benefits of using green barley for diabetic patients lie in its capacity to lessen the risk of complications associated with the disease.

Complications Associated with Diabetes

Diabetic patients, due to the inability of the cells to absorb glucose, are prone to develop cardiovascular diseases, chronic kidney malfunction, nerve damages, and erectile dysfunction. Retinal damage, which can lead to blindness, is also possible. Due to the failure of the body to nourish cells with glucose, diabetic patients should be careful not to get wounds especially along the lower limbs. This almost always leads to leg amputation.

Green Barley and Diabetes Complications: How Green Barley Helps

The health benefits of using green barley had been recognized in the past. Our Muslim brothers were taught by the prophet Muhammad to use barley to heal seven different diseases. Specifically, he mentioned that barley is useful for healing kidney diseases and normalizing the temperature of persons with fever. He also said that barley can help improve a person's temperament. But it needs more than physical observation to explain how green barley works.

With advanced technology, we now have a better understanding of how this plant works inside. Green barley has enzymes that help speed up nutritional processes at the cellular level. This is the primary health benefit that one can get from using green barley. Therefore, it is not only helpful for those who have diabetes but also for those suffering from other types of diseases. For those who are not sick but would want to ensure good health, you are also invited to use green barley. This is most especially suggested to people who are engaged in bodybuilding and those who are involved in sports.

Green Barley and Diabetes Nutritional Needs

Aside from having enzymes, green barley is full of vitamins and minerals. By using green barley, one can get sufficient amounts of the following minerals: boron, calcium, chromium, vanadium, cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, nickel, sodium, sulfur and zinc.

The following vitamins have also been identified: beta-carotene, choline, biotin, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, Vitamin C and vitamin E.

These nutrients can be synthetically prepared but it is better to get them from nature such as getting them from green barley. Of course, it is a much more expensive way of getting these nutrients. But, we are not sure if ALL the nutrients in green barley have already been identified. Research is being conducted because we believe there's still more.

Green Barley and Diabetes Patients

For diabetic patients, it is unfortunate that green barley cannot help in correcting the cause of the problem. It cannot induce the pancreas to produce enough insulin or increase insulin absorption at the cellular level. All that it can do is prevent those diabetes complications from occurring. After all, it is not diabetes itself that can kill or cause discomfort. It is the complications that are fatal.

About the Author: Eidderf Tubale is an expert when it comes to health and wealth business. To find out everything about how to earn online and keeping your day job, visit his website at

Keywords: green barley grass powder juice, green barley benefits, green barley and diabetes, green barley and canceer, green barley immune system booster, where to buy green barley, green barley philippines, green barley saudi, green barley UAE, green barley UK, green barley Dubai, green barley Qatar, green barley singapore, green barley malaysia

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