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The following article was published in our article directory on May 15, 2012.
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Exercise Equipment for Cardiovascular Exercises

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: chickie maxwell

Cardiovascular exercise is very important especially if the consumer wants to lose weight and burn fat. The purpose of the exercise is to increase the person's metabolic rate, heart rate and cardiac output. It can be emulated using treadmills and stationary bikes. Once the person is able to continually exert effort, the blood flow to the tissues would be enhanced due to the greater energy demand. Adipose tissue or fats would be mobilized and used to provide energy. The longer the cardiovascular exercise, the greater fats would be burned in the process. That is why consumers should put money in an exercise equipment that can perform for a long period of time. The constant weight of the user placed upon the machine could easily damage some of the components. If the parts have been compromised, the whole machine could be rendered unstable which could injure the user.

There are different types of exercise equipment for cardiovascular exercises. Bikes, treadmills and stair platforms are available in the market. Consumers should choose the exercise tools that would fit their training regimen. Treadmills are used for more intensive cardio exercises since running demand greater energy expenditure. Bikes are for simple cardio workouts since it only involves the abdominal and lower extremity muscle groups. Other specialized exercise machines which are accessible include stair masters, pulling contractions and leg pulls. Some of the specialized exercise equipment give intensive training which is why the actual use is limited only to a certain number of minutes.

Choosing treadmills could be very hard since different types are available in the market. The weight of the user, duration of exercise and other factors would have to be considered when purchasing a treadmill. People with greater weight should choose a heavy duty treadmill to avoid damage. This is because the components could be dented if too much weight is exerted upon the product. The capacity, platform and materials used should be examined. The maximum weight allowed should at least reach 400 pounds. Reinforced steel and iron should be included with the frame. Wood and simple metals would easily bend overtime. The electrical components should also be insulated since the heat transmitted could soften and weaken the metals.

Bikes should be chosen carefully since the weight and size of the user would be limited by the seat provided. The older models relying on a chain and cog system are no longer reliable since some of the components could be displaced. The pointed portion of the cogs could even injure the user. Instead a closed system composed of a chain feeding system should be included with the bikes. This is more efficient since the process is automated. The pedals allow kinetic energy generated by the person to be turned to mechanical energy. This would then be used to turn the feeding system holding the chains.

There are several types of exercise equipment for cardiovascular workouts. People should choose the machine type that would be suitable for their workout regimens. The materials should be sturdy. If excessive force is applied on the exercise machines, it could be damaged easily and could lead to injuries.

About the Author: MyReviewsNow offers information about exercise equipment. To learn about exercise equipment, visit us at MyReviewsNow.

Keywords: exercise equipment

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