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The following article was published in our article directory on May 12, 2012.
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Self Improvement Tips for Students

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Gabriel Nwagbara

Have you ever been approached to offer self improvement tips for students and other young academics in the society? Many ideas present themselves for consideration in discussing this issue.
However within this write up and in subsequent ones in the self improvement arena we will explore what is self improvement, why students and other upcoming academics have to improve, where they need it and when they should move to a new level. We will consider in particular why you as students should embrace self improvement activities.
What is self improvement?
Self-improvement could be defined as, "Improvement of one's condition through one's own efforts". "The act of improving oneself".
Legally, it maybe defined as, "Redressing or preventing wrongs by one's own action" By implication improvement of the self involves watching yourself all the time to find out where you can effect changes because you desire to move from your present situation to a much better one.
Why do you want to change?
Here are some reasons for a change.
To upgrade your brand You may want to change the impression people have of you hence the desire to change. Alternatively you may want to resemble your role model, or live the picture of yourself you've always dreamed about.
To achieve a new level You may be aiming at reaching the next level available to your group-- The class rep or the group leader? You may wish to achieve a higher GP in class work.
To impress your friends and peers You perhaps have the desire to show your friends and peers what stuff you are comprised of, hence the self improvement activities.
To attract the attention of people who matter in your life Maybe you want the authorities to notice you for the next appointment.
To become happy, To erase a painful memory, etc. You can go on and on and on. The list is inexhaustible.
Self improvement is not without its benefits for instance; repositioning for higher responsibility. When you upgrade your skill set, through self improvement courses, self improvement books, techniques or other similar activities you position yourself for that higher responsibility.
Increased self confidence. The acquisition of improved skills and capabilities increases your self confidence and self worth.
Better self esteem. In acquiring more skills you increase your sense of mastery in whatever you're doing. This sequetially increases your self esteem.
Better control of your work. The more skills you have the better you can control your work.
Higher productivity. When you are more efficient at your work, your productivity will increase.
Increased happiness. your control of your life increases your happiness.
Increased self awareness.
How to develop a self improvement program
To be best student, or professional that you want to be, you will need to examine the present reality. Take a very honest and objective look at your life. What aspects are not satisfactory and which are ok with you? Write them down. Write them as part of very important personal document which you will need in the near future during your self improvement activities.
From your document, select what aspects of your life that you should work on. These are those aspects that you are not satisfied with. They are the ones requiring improvement.
Typical areas of your life to consider include;
Your reading and study habits, your play and exercise activities, work place comportment and your public / religious interactions.
Aspects of your life to review should include:
Time management / productivity
Leadership / communication
Financial management
Emotions-- anger and interactions
Self control
Other aspects should involve your self esteem, your self confidence, self discipline and
self worth.
Evolve a personal vision. What kind of person do you want people to associate you with? What goals do you envisage in life? Let your vision be clear and precise.
Develop a plan
Choose any one of the selected areas and concentrate on it for a week. Use any self improvement techniques available to improve that aspect.
Personally I usually begin my self - improvement activities by addressing my communication skills since this is a critical area affecting my success in any venture. I like to watch my ability at ensuring that my messages convey as complete meaning to the receiver as possible. After a week of consciously emphasizing mastering this specific communication skill, I shift to improving my time utilization since, I need as much time as I can possibly get in a day. I work on this segment for another one week of self improvement activities-- before shifting to improving my financial handling capabilities. I continue like this until I cover all the areas that I earmarked. Then I repeat the process right from the beginning. Self improvement is a continuous process hence the replication.
In all these efforts to improve myself, I have the conviction that I will succeed because I am committed to carry out everything that should be done to ensure success. Despite all these commitments I sometimes still encounter some difficulties en route but I don't quit. I seek other resources for a solution. I check for self improvement courses, and self improvement books for help in overcoming the challenge.
Sometimes while seeking self improvement materials, I come across another term; "Personal development", which according to Wikipedia, "includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitate employability, enhance quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations".
Both personal development and self - improvement treat growth or expansion. They are two different viewpoints which complement each other but they should not be confused.
Personal development involves the exploration of the unfamiliar areas of your life and becoming familiar with them. It involves adding a new direction to your life or increasing your capability with things you could not do before. Self improvement on the other hand is about doing the things you already know how to do in a better way. That means leaving everything better than you met them. In life there is no other alternative worth considering.
Personal development starts with improved self awareness. This helps you determine areas of your life that you are unpracticed and plan to understand them. If you work like the very best you can evolve a vision for your life, strategize its achievement, and consistently tackle it till your vision is achieved.
Gabriel follows this procedure in dealing with self improvement activities.
But who is Gabriel?
Gabriel, the author of this article is a self improvement coach. He has been exposed to several self development programs in different parts of the world and holds an MS degree in Instructional Systems Technology. He designed and organized several similar programs while in service and had the opportunity to guide, teach, counsel, coach and mentor many young people. He is now retired and spends his time coaching students and organizing Self Improvement programs. His website is located at:

About the Author: Gabriel Nwagbara is an expert when it comes tosellf improvement, self improvement courses,.To find out everything aboutself improvement, self improvement courses, , visit his website at website url.

Keywords: self improvement, self improvement plans, self improvement courses, self improvement tip

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