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The following article was published in our article directory on May 11, 2012.
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Penis Enlargement through Non Invasive Procedures

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Patrick Reese

Penis enlargement can be attained even through non invasive or non surgical procedures. This is safer since the penile tissues and components would not have to be physically altered. Among the non invasive procedures available, hormonal therapy is considered to be one of the most effective. It is usually paired with rehabilitation exercises to attain the best results possible.

The hormones used in the therapy include testosterone and androstenedione. The hormones induce penile enlargement and growth through tissue remodelling and synthesis. The cartilage, soft bone and even blood vessels would increase in cell size and number. Although it would take a longer period of time for the results to appear compared to surgery, there would be no scarring and tissue damage. Many doctors recommend the use of hormones for high risk patients including those with bleeding disorders and healing problems. The cost is also greatly lessened.

Hormonal therapy has a number of advantages compared to other options. Heightened testosterone in the body lead to greater muscle mass since protein anabolism and fat burning is induced. In fact, body builders utilize testosterone to have a slimmer body. Aside from that, testosterone lowers blood pressure since the veins are relaxed upon administration. That is why the therapy is permitted to people suffering from heart problems. No major contraindications are found with hormonal therapy.

Hormonal therapy for penis enlargement is very simple and easy to accomplish. Patients have the option to pick the mode of delivery of the hormone. Topical creams, intravenous injection and patches are available to transfer the hormone to the body. The patient would first have to consult with the doctor in order to find the best option. Topical creams are very convenient since the user would simply need to apply the cream in the groin area. Intravenous delivery is recommended for people who know how to use the syringe. Although it is more complicated, almost 100 percent of the hormones would be delivered to the body.

Penis enlargement is made possible by inducing hyperplasia or multiplication of cells in the penile shaft. The penile shaft is composed of two different kinds of tissue, the vasculature and cartilage. The vasculature includes the blood vessels supplying blood to the penis. The number of blood vessels would increase once testosterone has been elevated. The cartilage is divided into three parts, the lateral shaft and the central canal. The number of cells within the cartilage would increase resulting in greater length and girth. It would take at least four to six weeks until the penis would grow by an inch. After a couple of months, significant change in the size can be observed.

The efficacy of hormonal therapy for penis enlargement would be made better if the proper therapy is included. This is possible since the effect of hormones would almost double if physical stimulation is also provided. Part of the therapy would include forced extension of the penis. This is necessary since the muscles and cartilage needs to be reconfigured. As the hormone induces cellular proliferation, the shape, length and position assumed during therapy would be more defined. This is an effective penis enlargement procedure.

About the Author: Patrick Reese is an expert when it comes to bigger penis. To find out everything about penis enlargements, visit his website at Penis Enlargement Reviews.

Keywords: peyronie's disease,enhancement,enlargement,erectile,male enlargement,penis enlargement,bigger penis,last longer,male enhancement,penis enlargements,what is male enhancement,enhancement male,about male enhancement,

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