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The following article was published in our article directory on April 3, 2012.
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The Importance of Having a Roof Check Up?

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Sarah Leigh

The purpose of this article is to explore the different aspects of being prepared for roof installation and roof repairs and why it is important to have the work done sooner rather than later. Saving money is all about being prepared.

UK Weather Conditions Damage our Roofs

The harsh fluctuations in the weather conditions found throughout the UK have a detrimental effect on many of the existing roof coverings found on houses today. It is quite easy to see how our weather conditions can erode old roofing materials. For example, we have numerous days of snowfall one month, then days of frost and rain the next, finally finishing with weeks of sunshine. These extreme and ever changing weather conditions will contract and expand the very best of roofing materials until eventually damaging the composition of roof and causing a leak.

This weather penetration is one of the main causes of roof leaks and other related damage to our roofs. This is a natural process with no one to blame. All that can be done is to be prepared by keeping up the maintenance and repair of the roof on a regular basis. However if this starts to become a too regular and tedious task, then it maybe time to install a new more modern type of roofing material. Modern roofing materials can better withstand these tests. If this is the case then people can opt for a new roof installation to solve the issue.

The problem is most people remain oblivious to the effects the weather conditions are having on their roof until it is to late and the unthinkable happens - water starts leaking through the roof. The problem then is the damage has already been done, but not only to the roof, the interior of the property can also be damaged – resulting in even more expense. A lot of money could be saved if people were more careful and cautious about the main structure of their house – the roof. In other words, you should have periodic roof inspections carried out. This is the one and only way to insure against damage and expensive emergency work caused by leaking roofs.

These checks are needed even more so for house owners that are living in areas that are susceptible to strong winds and heavy rains. Additionally you should be extra cautious with older houses as they are more vulnerable than most.

If we delve deeper into how and why roof leaks occur, it is noticeable that missing shingles, tiles and weather slating, again caused by the extremities of weather are often the cause. Worth noticing here is the brittle nature of these materials especially in colder weather conditions. One of the questions that come to mind at this point is cost?

On average, a roof repair might cost you a few hundred pounds whereas a roof installation will cost you a few thousand. The key here is to find a reputable and respected roofing company that could provide you with a suitable estimate or quote that would cover you for either option. Moreover, one should ensure they see repair references from previous clients, as they are quite significant. Customers should always try to negotiate on the checkup costs.

Roof Inspection and Repairs at the right time of year

As it has already been said, it would not be wise to wait until leaks are visible and evident before you consider a roof inspection. A better idea is to preempt such damages by having a roof checkup. In addition it is also important to know that the whole process of repairing a roof may take some time so it would be better to plan accordingly.

Additionally as the work is outside then the timing is very important. The ideal time for having this task done would be spring as it is generally dryer and calmer meaning there would be no hurry. If you are one of those people who are looking for some savings then this is a major way to do this as people can often end up spending hundreds if not thousands of pound when unprepared.

About the Author: A R Lambert Roofing is a reputable company based in Romford Essex. So if you need roofers in Essex or general roof repairs London then contact us at

Keywords: roofing Romford, roofers in London, roof repairs london, roofers in Essex

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