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The following article was published in our article directory on April 2, 2012.
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Night Owl's Secret - Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

Article Category: Medicines and Remedies

Author Name: [Raguel|Palmer|Sondra|Chi|Clemencia|Oswaldo|Genevive|Jessie|Shery|Richie|Marlana|Erwin|Valene|Art|Mila|Nelson] [a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) is a condition affecting the body's normal biological clock pattern. The circadian cycle-- humans' natural biological clock which functions on a regular 24 hour cycle-- seems abnormally long in sufferers of DSPS. Even in cases where victims of DSPS are slumber deprived, they still have problem falling asleep in usual also hrs as opposed to individuals who being sleep deprived have no trouble resting. It appears as if slumber deprival does not reset the circadian clock of people with this condition-- they still are able to only slumber at their natural sleep time hr, which is frequently post-2:00 a.m.

People with this affliction have wonderful trouble living with a "regular" routine and discover it difficult to awake due to the fact that their biological clocks are out of phase by having normal routines. Their situation is akin to people who need to work graveyard shift hrs and are able to not seem to be to adjust to sleeping in the day and working at evening.

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is consistently misdiagnosed and frequently entirely overlooked by doctors. It is even often mistaken for other issues, consisting of: depression, schizophrenia, or attention deficit disorder. The proper medical diagnosis rate on this disorder is considerably reasonable.
Common Symptoms
Common indicators of

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome can consist of any of the following items:

Substantial problems in the significant rest duration wanted

Patients when not made to stick to a routine work-life clock, will not experience any different excellent of slumber or a different timeframe of rest than anyone on a normal clock

Patients have no problem remaining asleep the moment they have actually gone to sleep

People enduring this discover it seriously challenging to move their usual rest patterns to an earlier time period

Habitual rest pattern onsets are post-2:00 a.m.

Differences from Insomnia

For many, Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is confused with Sleep loss. Sleeplessness and DSPS are not the same maladies. The distinctions between a sufferer of Sleeping disorders and DSPS involve:

DSPS patients do not have a problem sleeping in the morning or afternoon, which chronic insomnia sufferers have problem doing
Individuals with DSPS fall asleep the same time every evening and have no problems slumbering once they have indeed fallen asleep-- neither is the case with insomniacs

DSPS sufferers rest well and frequently when permitted to follow their very own sleep patterns


An amount of treatments exist for Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. The most frequently known and studied are:

Light Therapy-- usage of a LED light tool that goes on earlier than a customer's typical waking time as some specialists believe that DSPS is a light sensitivity problem by having customers

Darkness Treatment-- linked with the above treatment, this one occurs in the evening where the treatment is to dim lights in the patient's dwelling a couple hours prior to sleep

Chronotherapy-- a resetting of the circadian clock by influencing the individual's ordinary bed time; one treatment is to have a patient go to bed 2 hours later every day until their clock is resorted to the chosen time; an additional treatment involves keeping a patient awake for 24 hours and then having them rest 90 moments prior to their regular sleep time and having them sustain that sleep time for one week

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome is likewise known as:

Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder
Delayed Sleep Phase Type
Delayed Sleep-Phase Disorder
"Social Jet Lag"

About the Author: The author is an expert when it comes to Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. To find out everything about sleep disorders, visit the website at

Keywords: Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, Delayed Sleep Phase Type, Delayed Sleep-Phase Disorder, insomnia, night owl

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