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The following article was published in our article directory on March 15, 2012.
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Financial Collapse and Becoming a Home Based Entrepreneur

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Kevin Collinson

In result to Fredrik Wallinder in a post thread on one of Mike Dillard's websites ... For those who do recognize, put simply a unit of currency backed by gold as well as precious metals is what presents intrinsic value to a currency. Non-fiat unit of currency (where a bar of gold circulates 1000 coins, and in circulation there are 100 coins). Unfortunately, almost every currency in the globe is a Fiat Currency (which is diluted to 2 coins in circulation when there ought to been one coin-- a trick by our countries rulers) ...
Influence that will definitely make you fall over in disbelief-- The UK is running at a proportion of 73 coins when there must just be 1 coin ... I love U.S.A. as well as the Americans ... mainly because anything is continually 10 times greater there. Disney, Walmart, network, Better Automobiles, Low-cost Food, Low-priced petrol (compared to the UK US costs are about a 3rd of the UK) ... Anyway when it pertains to Fiat Currency, the UNITED STATES leaves the remainder of the world behind and have actually somehow or other regulated to abandon any sort of link to anything of intrinsic value (Richard Nixon early 1970 's eliminated any connection to the gold and like an excellent politician, lied his teeth stating that Americans not suffer because of this) ... For those not grasping this meaning ... brace yourself ... The Global Unit of currency of the US Dollar is backed by beyond a confidence trick it's true value is reduced merely to the paper worth it is composed on ... Scary or what
This aint about being right or wrong, the outcome shall merely be revealed when events take place and the . The truth, whether you are open to it, is that the developed economy's version of corruption is so engrained within our established societies that the masses actually get involved daily in the perpetuation of fraud, deceit, exploitation as well as economic slavery.

I express this point just about anything is feasible Fredrik could be correct as the total amount of BS that is peddled as well as swallowed is frightening. From the President Al Gore that never was, to $ 3 Trillion value of minerals in Afghanistan, the cornering of the Oil market with the toppling of Saddam and Gaddaffi as well as prices rising by one 3rd at the petrol pumps. Do not forget the shortage of interception in Darfur as Sudan had no wealth that justify preventing the genocidal tasks of real murdering nutters.
Libya, a country with Zero debt and the first thing created there was a Central Bank which will serve to create a certainty for financial rape in that country, comparable to what occured to Iceland.

I urge anybody to purchase a copy of The Black's Dictionary (Legalese-- The Terminology of the ) which is the deceiving construct of law that seems English, however is certainly not. Where MUST actually suggests MAY, where tacit procuration indicates "I agree". So as our "authorities" look for to entice us at every stage into Court Room to a game that pinches people from hard earned money whilst their club mates of the "Law Society" members line their own pockets. Next their additional mates the bankers master developing money from air and market you insurance policies that secure you from substantial legal bills.
Our society whilst brilliant and in contrast we are so blessed contrasted to most of the world, it is still sick as well as rotten to the the occurring financial meltdown will still make these scumbags 50 times richer (at least) by what will definitely happen whilst the targets of this rip-off are left miserable and surplus to a society that will see no in their contribution ... The past has numerous . Most are repeated. Unless you have definitely walked in the of the experienced it is unimaginable for those who are advised, notified, informed to totally own the information and if the info has not totally "landed" the worth is watered down. This indicates in-action and the exploitation opportunity will CONTINUALLY be there. Genocide is that the powerful few ALWAYS resort to for those that have no value or are the disliked "otherl". Whilst we are going to naturally assume "not on our shores". I positive the Icelanders (at the time the 5th wealthiest folks in the per capita) crushed by financial hitmen and left economically raped. is to say that mass civil disorder will certainly not occur. Prisons are over-flowing, subsequently concentration camps would be the only other choice.
This takes me back to my Criminology qualification ... exactly what was the next action for those in concentration camps? duplicated itself already since World War II?

So whilst Fredrick is correct, my standpoint is that will reveal precious metals being the basis on which money is based. The is that as Mike Maloney has identified, Gold and Silver are still dirt cheap in camparison to how the economics have unfolded in other places. We have actually already observed Goldman Sachs brokers in London publicly bragging about maneuvering the of Silver (Rolling Stone November or December 2010) to the 3rxt as a base of new units of currency that nobody understands about and has no historical performance as value, certainly not in my honest opinion. Couple this that the is set up in the Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History for maneuvered under valued precious metals to rise like a Pheonix out fo the ashes of a decimated world where riots are typical and the perpetrators (as in London) are imprisoned for 9 for thieving . 2 centuries prior the solution was the prisoners to Australia. I see camps, shortage the of just what next those in the camps.
The unthinkable, is thinkable as it has definitely already been done.
I advise EVERY PERSON to become a home based small business owner, dedicate totally to the business you choose entirely, guide as many individuals as possible to make as much funds as possible and acquire the methods of Mike be sure you your family members are not holding the crap end of the stick. You are going to come to be super wealthy and then you will have wealth to help those will certainly be persecuted.
Kevin Joseph Collinson
PS ... quick ... as if you wait with money in the bank your financial savings, pensions will certainly be diminished to absolutely nothing as the unit of currency crashes ... First the Euro, next the Dollar everybody at nations instead of the money grabbing powers that be who are trans-national and only of patriotism is when it suits business.

About the Author: Kevin Collinson is a Rapid Growth Expert receiving 4 Separate National Awards in this field of excellence Kevin Collinson, Avant Home Business, Avant Home Business Uk, visit his website at

Keywords: Kevin Collinson, Kevin Joseph Collinson, Avant Home Business,

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