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The following article was published in our article directory on March 24, 2012.
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Schwinn Elliptical: The Exercise Machine to Buy

Article Category: Shopping

Author Name: Alan Stanford

If you want a cardio exercise machine, get yourself a Schwinn elliptical. This is a popular equipment used at home and in commercial gyms. A decade after the year 2000, there was a reported 260% rise in the usage of an elliptical machine. It is thus essential to know how to choose and use an elliptical machine.

Your legs power an elliptical machine. When you stand on it, you can walk, run or mimic the act of skiing. Low impact is achieved because your feet just stay on the pedals as you get a powerful cardio workout and burn calories. Because the impact you get on your feet is low, you can use the Schwinn elliptical even if you are suffering from joint problems such as arthritis. This has arm poles you can use so that your arms also get a workout thus incurring muscle mass as your arms move backward and forward. If you have a leg injury caused by running, you can still use this machine and continue training your muscles and your cardio endurance.

prior to using an elliptical machine that is powered electrically, you must first know where the emergency stop button is located just in case you need to immediately stop the machine. Ensure that the handrails and the frame of the machine are strong for a safe workout. Examine the machine prior to buying it by standing on it and seeing if you feel steady.

When using a Schwinn elliptical, make sure your body is in its right position so that you can have a great workout without obtaining soreness. Your head must be up, your chin leveled to the floor and your shoulders drawn back. Your arms must be relaxed while you use your arm poles. If you continuously slouch as you exercise, you may incur back pain.

In buying this machine, make sure you try it out. Check if the side rails are durable. Ensure its weight limits suit your own weight. Most of them have a limit of 275 lbs to 325 lbs while the expensive ones can accommodate up to 350 lbs. If you do go over the weight limit, the machine will lose consistency and you may not have a safe workout at all.

Make sure your machine gives you a comfortable range for movement. Your knees should never hit the console's front. Get one that has a flexible stride length so that everyone in the house can use it by adjusting it. Place it in a spot in the house that has an extra 30 sq. ft. to accommodate your arm and feet movements such as the basement.

As a beginner, hold the side rails or the console so that you will maintain a comfortable balance. Try to gain confidence for you to walk or run on your Schwinn elliptical without holding on to support. As you pedal, thrust your arms. This shall heighten calorie burning and develop balance and core strength.

If you want to have a safe and effective exercise at home, get yourself a Schwinn elliptical.

About the Author: To find out more referring to the Schwinn 420 Elliptical, and to see the complete Schwinn Elliptical Trainer collection, visit

Keywords: Schwinn Elliptical, Schwinn Elliptical Trainer, Schwinn Elliptical Machine

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