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The following article was published in our article directory on March 24, 2012.
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Which States are Most Appropriate for the Installation of Wind Generators?

Article Category: Computers and Technology

Author Name: Jack Ryan

According to a study conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, wind generators hold great promise in helping America meet its electricity requirements and wean itself away from dependence on imported fossil fuels. According to the study, wind turbines in the continental US could potentially generate as much as thirty-seven petawatt-hours of electricity annually, which is more than enough to meet the estimated 3.8 Pwh per year required to power the country.

If you are interested in installing a wind power system for your home, however, you should realize that wind generators are not suitable for all areas. There are a number of conditions that have to be met before a site is determined to be economically feasible for wind power. The main condition is that it must have average annual wind speeds of at least nine or ten miles per hour; if it falls below this, the system may not produce enough energy to make the investment worth it. In addition, grid connections should be costly or the average price of electricity in your area so expensive that wind power becomes a viable option.

What are the states that have the highest wind power capacity?

Texas. The state has been called the Saudi Arabia of wind power and boasts of having 10,000 MW of wind power capacity, which makes up eight percent of the state s total electricity generation. Texas has vast areas of land with wind speeds of classes three and above, giving them high potential for the installation of wind generators. And recent projects are promising to double the state s total wind power installed by Iowa. Iowa presently has 4,400 MW of wind power capacity, accounting for 20|of the state s total energy generation, and is mainly produced by wind farms in the north and west. The state is blessed with abundant wind resources, which have been measured in different parts of the state as ranging from 11 mph to 17.5 mph.

California. The state has close to 4,000 MW installed as of end-2011, which supplied some 5|of California s electricity needs. Most of this capacity is generated by wind farms in Altamont Pass, Tehachapi Pass, Alta and San Gorgonio Pass. Wind power is also being developed in the Montezuma Hills area.

Minnesota. The state had installed capacity of over 2,100 MW as of end-2010, with wind farms responsible for 10|of total electricity generated. Some of the largest wind farms in the state include Buffalo Ridge, Fenton, Bent Tree and Nobles.

Washington State. Installed wind power capacity in the state reached 2,573 MW in 2011, accounting for some five percent of total electricity generated. A recent assessment showed that the state has the potential for installing some 18,000 MW of onshore wind power.

If you live in these states, you will likely encounter no problem installing residential wind generators as they not only have the necessary wind speeds for wind power, but also the policies necessary to support the further development of wind energy projects.

About the Author: Jack Ryan for Hurricane Wind Power Wind Generators By Hurricane Wind Power Tech Talk and Hurricane Wind Power blog. Your place for Quality Wind Power Products made in the US.

Keywords: wind generator / wind generators / wind turbine/ Wind power generator/ wind power generators

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