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The following article was published in our article directory on March 3, 2012.
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Allowed Foods on The Paleo Diet

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Seth Arcadia

An intro and break down of Paleo diet allowed foods ...

Similarly to any other diet, the Paleo eating plan has rules and standards when it comes to what you can and can not eat. But what is the Paleo Diet you may ask? The core foundation of this eating style is all about going back to the very roots of our ancestry and patterning oneself upon the eating and dietary habits of what was available to the caveman, then applying those principles to our modern day food choices.

When you honestly sit back and look at it, our developments in technology, farming, processing and agriculture while definitely beneficial in many areas has taken us (and our digestive system) away from pure eating and nutrition. The caveman and our early ancestors were hunters and gatherers and always consumed the freshest of fruits and vegetables supplemented perfectly by a variety of lean meats. If you follow the endorsed Paleo diet allowed foods and avoid from the discouraged foods you can give yourself a great chance of attaining superior health and nutrition.

So then, assuming that Paleo diet approved foods are based on the nutrition available to the caveman, a definite no-no are processed or packaged foods. Furthermore, on the Paleo diet eating plan "stay away from" list are those unhealthy type meats which can taste marvelous but regrettably do our bodies and health no good at all. Foods like pork sausage, bacon, pepperoni, chicken wings, processed deli meats, spam, breakfast sausage, fatty pork and lamb chops and also the skin of turkey and chicken should really all be steered clear of. Weight problems and heart disease is at record levels around the world and fatty meats can claim a large amount of responsibility for this especially when over eaten.

Cavemen in addition did not eat any grains or wheat because they lived in the age before agriculture. Unless it was currently growing by natural means, it was not eaten. Gluten is fast turning into a major contributor to digestive and nutritional complications and illnesses therefore all kinds of food including gluten are NOT on the Paleo diet allowed foods list.

Watch out for the false security offered up by those alleged "gluten free" grains as they are still not rubber-stamped for the Paleo diet eating plan. Not only are other grains on the do not eat list but all other byproducts of their processing. What this means is that grains like barley, corn, millet, oats, rice, rye, wheat, and wild rice in addition to all products made from them such as amaranth, bread, buckwheat, cakes, cookies, corn chips, corn on the cob, corn starch, corn syrup, donuts, flat bread, muffins, pasta, pancakes, pita bread, pizza, quinoa, rice cakes, rice flour, rice noodles, rice pudding, rolled oats, rolls, rye crackers, and tortillas are all NOT on the approved Paleo diet approved foods list.
For many people, the restriction of these kinds of foods is really challenging but what is very important to bear in mind is the advantages this "sacrifice" will deliver to your body and therefore your life!

We have spoken much about the restrictions and Paleo diet plan foods that are not on the approved list. The good news however is that the Paleo diet eating plan DOES have many foods that may be eaten and savored. As is everything worthwhile in life, tenacity and understanding is extremely important to success and those that have truly stuck to the Paleo diet and accepted it have uncovered a much greater and enjoyable variety of meals and foods available to them than what they might have first envisioned.

Just a few of the Paleo diet allowed foods ...

We understand that the Cavemen did not eat dairy products however eggs are undoubtedly on the table. A great favorite of many on the Paleo diet eating plan is a delicious two egg omelet containing lots of fresh produce which includes peppers, onions, tomato and mushrooms.

When feeling peckish, snacks of fresh fruit and vegetables are a great option for absolutely everybody which includes those following the Paleo. We have an outstanding, endless variety of fresh fruit on offer to us and vegetables like raw carrots, capsicums, cucumber and celery are all refreshing to eat, yummy to taste and present many health benefits. One thing to remember however is to withstand the urge to add sauces or condiments to your fresh fruit and vegetables. The wrong addition or amount can take away all the benefits quick as a flash!

Lean meats are a great part of the Paleo diet allowed foods and there are many that you can eat! The word lean though is the key! You would like to be seeking meats from animals that have been grass fed, free range or pasture reared. Where that selection is not available, select the leanest cuts of meat you can find. Seafood is also a wonderful choice and option when on the Paleo diet and the available variety is superb!

Among the most advantageous aspects to the Paleo diet eating plan is when it comes to over eating and weight loss. Many of the weight problems we face today come from overeating. The Paleo affects this by ultimately slowing your digestive process over time. This means you will feel fuller and consequently, you only eat when you are unsatisfied. Like the caveman, you might just find that you actually skip a meal. Do Don't worry too much about that as your body will give you the signal when it is hungry and needs fuel.

Keep in mind when you do eat, to select foods as much as you can from the Paleo diet allowed foods category and get a kick out of the payoffs and health perks you will soon begin to notice!

About the Author: Seth Arcadia is an expert when it comes to The Paleo Diet Eating Plan. To find out what is the Paleo Diet, visit his website at

Keywords: Paleo Diet Allowed Foods, paleo diet eating plan, paleo diet food list, paleo eating plan, paleo meals

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