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The following article was published in our article directory on February 29, 2012.
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A Commentary on the Great Read: Marijuana Conviction: A History of Marijuana Prohibition in the United States

Article Category: Society

Author Name: Mike A. Blair

In the extremely relevant discussion about individual drug use and prohibition in this country, there emerges a tremendous need for precise and reliable reference material by which to effectively steer our discussion. While there are many publications and motion pictures out about the history of hemp prohibition in America, one would be hard-pressed to do any worthier than "Marijuana Conviction" as a trusted resource for the true story of hemp prohibition in the U.S., and there's an excellent reason why. This publication was composed by Richard Bonnie, and Charles Whitebread, both of whom worked for President Richard Nixon during the height of the cannabis argument, and what would emerge as the established starting point of the war on drugs.

This reprint is a genuinely expansive historical recount of cannabis prohibition in this country, and the writing is remarkably well supported with relevant source materials and quotations throughout. For some one that wants to know the truth responsible for how cannabis became "Villain # 1" in this nation, they need look no further than this well chronicled document. It truly will open your eyes to not only how marijuana became illegal, but the unplanned disadvantages of prohibition too. Initially created in 1974, this is a selection that ought to be in anybody's personal collection that portends to know a thing about drug policy at all. It really is that fundamental and unveiling in its subject matter. Lest you are not familiar with why these two authors are so well suited to produce this, or why Richard Nixon even matters to the entire context, one should bear in mind that our present drug war failure actually set in motion, in its most vile and hurtful form, under President Nixon's watch.

Nixon was notoriously hot headed in his disdain toward marijuana. Indeed, Nixon was the one who appointed the Shafer Commission to do the very first ever evaluation of cannabis policy ever carried out by U.S. Congressmen. He ultimately refused to adopt their guidance, hurled a copy of the paper in his trash bin, and made threat that anybody that filmed him within visible vicinity of that paper would be sacked! Here is just a diminutive taste of what the President determined so objectionable, as stated by the distinguished commission in their write up: "Looking only at the effects on the individual, there is little proven danger of physical or psychological harm from the experimental or intermittent use of the natural preparations of cannabis."

And they went on to say:" he criminal law is too harsh a tool to apply to personal possession even in the effort to discourage use. It implies an overwhelming indictment of the behavior which we believe is not appropriate. The actual and potential harm of use of the drug is not great enough to justify intrusion by the criminal law into private behavior, a step which our society takes only 'with the greatest reluctance."

And they also said: "While the judiciary is the governmental institution most directly concerned with the protection of individual liberties, all policy-makers have a responsibility to consider our constitutional heritage when framing public policy. Regardless of whether or not the courts would overturn a prohibition of possession of marijuana for personal use in the home, we are necessarily influenced by the high place traditionally occupied by the value of privacy in our constitutional scheme."

Yet, one way or another we still ended up with an ungovernable drug war, but how? If these quotes peak your interest in even the tiniest way, then this is definitely a must read text for you. Just be sure to share what you've read with intimates and, heck, maybe even have a real honest disquisition about it. So good reading to you, with what is by all measures, an excellent and enlightening read. Needless to say, this is a highly recommended book.

About the Author: Hunting for history of marijuana? We've researched the marijuana poster on the web and reveal it at the history of marijuana for our friendly readers.

Keywords: drug war, history of marijuana prohibition, marijuana conviction

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