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The following article was published in our article directory on February 29, 2012.
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The Documentation of Cannabis Understanding & Awareness

Article Category: Society

Author Name: Evie D. Huang

As many are most certainly aware of these days, marijuana has become a persistent topic in American legislative conversation, and also in many other nations globally. It seems apparently the world is in a position of re-realization of what concrete benefits the cannabis plant has to offer, how we can sensibly regulate its use, and why the alternative perspectives being imposed through current laws have largely gotten it, well, pretty much all amiss.

Throughout the scope of recorded history, marijuana has only been illegal for about 1 % of the time. Indeed, in the Usa, a country largely responsible for most of the intentional dispraise injected into the public conversation about marijuana, the plant has only been illegal since the late 1930's. Even then, the key rationale was a monetary based political gain for a few greedy and perhaps quite power-hungry men. Indeed, few really know the history of cannabis.

Through a cooperative attempt to demonize the hemp planet and all who would take a chance to use it, the U.S. government set into movement one of the most ostentatious propaganda offensives in all of history. In the early thirties, Henry J. Anslinger was mobilized to tell the human race that, unavoidably, if a person were to come into contact with this "radical tool of the devil ", they could bargain on insanity, savagery, and gross moral wickedness to ensue.

Fortunately though, folks around this nation, as well as global high-minded thinkers have evolved beyond the knowledge that most of this propagandist tall talk as just that, an immense and structured operation to forcefully recast and control the way they knowingly feel and think about cannabis. All throughout the planet there are organizings popping up that are dedicated to undoing the misinformation that was forcefully rendered over the first half of the twentieth century.

In the United State Of America, for example, many people are briskly awakening to not only the misstatements that have been reported, but also to the actual useful actualities about marijuana, and its apparent natural match with our human genetics. Today, there are numerous state laws being considered that would enable total legalization of the cannabis plant, with most deciding to control the plant in a similar way to how alcohol presently is. Additionally, over 16 states have already based state-wide proposals to allow doctor verified individuals to use marijuana to abate chronic and debilitating circumstances. But the U.S. most certainly is isn't unique in their revelation about the need for official changes in regards to adult marijuana use, as many nations either presently have or are seriously conceiving new approaches of full-out legalization.

To learn more about the myriad uses for cannabis, look into an exceptional page by Dr. Lester Grinspoon here, or here. Additionally, there is some great information about a premier marijuana and lung cancer study, here, and video of Dr. Donald Tashkin talking about it here.

About the Author: Surfing for history of cannabis? We've read about the the emperor wears no clothes online and publish it at drug war for our good visitors.

Keywords: history of cannabis awareness, history of marijuana understanding

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