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The following article was published in our article directory on February 13, 2012.
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Top Online Business News Magazines and Newspapers

Article Category: Business

Author Name: chickie maxwell

One of the top traits of the modern business leader is having an ever-present appetite for learning. Gone were the days when businessmen felt that everything they needed to know they already studies about in business school. The information age has ushered in new concepts and technologies that prompted even the established business leaders to start learning again. Such was the impact of the digital age that those who were stubborn not to heed its arrival were soon left in the dust. Today, it is very common to know people who read the business news on a daily basis.

Aside from ambition and passion, businesses are also driven by information. Countless businesses have been launched with much hype, only to fizzle out, crashing and burning in the process. Grave business blunders were brought about by the inability to continue learning. Having accurate and up-to-date information allows the business to keep up with the times, in touch with public opinion, and knowledgeable on the latest trends and issues. The ability to acquire information and capitalizing on it is a crucial factor in surviving and dominating specific business niches.

Before, business newspapers and magazines were the leading resources for business news, rich with information about various facets of the business world. However, with the arrival of computers and the Internet, business newspaper and magazine publishers have taken it one step further by creating online versions of their publications. Here are several of the leading websites for business news:

International Business Times. Informally known as IBTimes, it is currently accessible in 17 editions, written in ten languages in 13 countries. The online global business publication features business-related news, business analysis and commentary, as well as featured articles on current business issues. Topics include geo-political issues, global economy and markets, small business, large corporations, science and technology, education, jobs, foreign exchange, and culture, to name a few.

Wall Street Journal. Dubbed the largest-circulating newspaper in the United States, it covers domestic and international business news and issues. Also available in major foreign languages, the Journal. Topics include domestic and global markets, technology, personal finance, lifestyle and culture, careers, real estate, small business, opinions and commentaries.

Entrepreneur. This website provides business news focusing on entrepreneurship, managing small businesses, and creating business opportunities. With availability in other countries such as Hungary, India, Mexico, Philippines, Russia, and South Africa, the site features articles on business startups, management and growth, money, technology, franchises, and innovations, to name a few.

Fast Company. Created as an avenue to feature new business practices, business innovators and pioneers, and other business-related news, the site currently offers news on topics covering business, innovation, design, creativity, culture, and commerce. The site also presents innovative articles written in an easy to read, sincere style, perfect for those who do not like to be immersed in confusing jargon.

About the Author: MyReviewsNow offers information regarding business news. To learn more about business news, visit our website at

Keywords: business news

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