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The following article was published in our article directory on January 20, 2012.
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A Case of Ophthalmological Limitation Regarding Eye Therapy

Article Category: Womens Interest

Author Name: chickie maxwell

Some ophthalmologists openly state that vision eye therapy is not scientific or effective, almost to the point of labeling it fraudulent. However, it must be kept in mind that this is just an opinion, albeit a professional one. Ophthalmologists do not have the final say when it comes to non-surgical eye therapy. They have little information regarding vision therapy. They criticize the practice of vision therapy without going deeper into studying it. On the other hand, optometrists specializing in vision therapy have more information and expertise regarding this field, as well as in other fields of developmental vision.

There has been a case of a 19-year old girl referred to a optometric vision therapist by a practitioner of occupational therapy. Initially, the girl has been prescribed with spectacles for her eye problem, as well as a lazy eye patch. However, upon reaching nine years of age, she was taken to an ophthalmologist, and the eye doctor recommended to the girl's mother that the glasses were no longer necessary. The eye doctor said that the patch could be discarded as well, saying that the lazy eye will improve by itself as time went by.

Nevertheless, there were many problems experienced by the girl through the years. Reading caused fatigue, and when reading, the words jumped all over, and focusing on the print was so hard because of uncontrollable shifting of focus, and lines were frequently and inadvertently skipped. No wonder reading caused so frequent headaches. The mother also observed that the lazy eye of her daughter turns inward whenever she was tired. Her annual check up with the ophthalmologist yielded consistent assurances that there were no problems and no therapy or medication was needed.

And since the eye doctor stated that all was well, the girl's school determined that she was just too lazy to read. Unbelievable! It was because she was so averse to reading that she was labeled dyslexic, and that the remedy to her condition was determined to be books in large print as well as audio books and study materials.

Her mother finally determined to pursue a second medical opinion. They approached a specialist in vision eye therapy and the daughter was tested with a Visagraph. This is a computer diagnostic aid that analyzes and records the movements of the eye while it is engaged in reading. The test revealed that there was no lazy eye at all, and that the girl's reading comprehension was that of a fourth grader. With a properly graded pair of glasses, the girl could achieve perfect vision. With the spectacles, together with a regimen of vision eye therapy, great leaps in improvement were achieved. In hindsight, it was very unfortunate that much unnecessary suffering was endured by the girl all those years ago, when in fact a more sensible ophthalmologist would have prescribed a different course of action. A good eye doctor would have had an open mind about alternative therapies and would have, despite having found no problems in the girl with his diagnostic techniques, recommended more testing with other eye specialists. His discipline was only one of many, and it would have benefited the girl much to consider other means of healing her condition.

About the Author: MyReviewsNow offers information regarding eye therapy. To learn more about eye therapy, visit our website at

Keywords: eye therapy

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