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The following article was published in our article directory on January 23, 2012.
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Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! Saving the Environment with Energy Efficient and Quality Electronic Appliances

Article Category: Shopping

Author Name: chickie maxwell

Shop for electronics and conserve the environment! Now that is definitely a delightful concept. But is it realistic? Now it is, with the program called Energy Star jointly created and implemented by the United States Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The concept of Energy Star mainly focuses on making consumer habits and electrical and electronic products become more efficient, thus eliminating much of the energy waste garnered through inefficiency, thus promoting environmental conservation. This has the added perk of saving a significant amount of money and helping the average American survive the economic crisis.

In 2010, the joint efforts of the public and the Energy Star program have saved energy roughly equivalent to that of thirty three million automotive vehicles. The total savings in bills for utilities have been in the region of eighteen billion dollars. A staggering achievement!

If one's household is not yet into the Energy Star thing, it is never too late to start. Making choices that are geared toward energy efficiency has the potential of saving approximately a third of the electric bill in the home. This also automatically translates into a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. And it must be reiterated that the usual lifestyle one has become accustomed to need not be altered. The increase in efficiency and the savings can be incurred without necessarily sacrificing style, comfort or personal enjoyment. All one needs to do is make the Energy Star choice.

How can this be done? Firstly, shop for electronics and appliances that have the Energy Star Seal. This signifies that the products have met the strict guidelines of energy efficiency mandated by the Department of Energy and EPA. Even new homes are commodities that can earn the Energy Star.

One can consult with the EPA for resources and tools to start implementing major improvements in the home. This includes projects that help reduce the energy bill and at the same time maximize comfort within the home.

In the business arena, a strategic management for energy efficiency can double the company's energy savings. Such strategies have been successfully implemented by the EPA; these include measurement of energy performance through a standard system of rating, goal setting, monitoring the savings garnered, and a rewards system and recognition for success stories and top performers. Again, the EPA can be consulted for such a program. More than two hundred thousand buildings all over the nation have already successfully done so.

The Energy Star standard is now also gaining ground in the area of electronic products and appliances. So from this time onward, as much as possible buy only brands and shop for electronics which have the Energy Star seal! Many plasma and LCD TVs, as well as battery chargers and other electronics, for instance, already satisfy the Energy Star requirements. Save the environment, save in energy bills, and enjoy the same quality everyone has always been accustomed with. Electronic companies already have a long established custom of social and environmental responsibility to the community, the country and the world, and the Energy Star program helps make the public aware of their compliance and their commitment to the environment. The Energy Star is here to further promote and reward their noble efforts.

About the Author: MyReviewsNow offers help to those who shop for electronics. If you need advice when you shop for electronics, visit us at

Keywords: shop for electronics

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