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« Back to articles from category "Wellness, Fitness and Diet"

The following article was published in our article directory on December 24, 2011.
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Healthy Route to a Flat Belly Diet

Article Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

Author Name: Louqman memi

As there are many types of diet plans out there, being cautious and smart is the key to choosing a safe and effective flat belly diet that will work for you.

Nothing beats losing body and belly fat by having a well-balanced diet plan.

The Mediterranean diet is a more effective type of diet plan because it wouldn't deprive you of foods you want to eat but only in a moderate amount. This diet will give you the best, healthiest and freshest foods. This diet focus on fresh and healthy food like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, seafood, nuts, seeds, yogurt, olive oil and some shots of wine.

There are good fats known as monounsaturated fat found in nuts, olive oil, avocados, salmon, sardines, tuna, and fat from plants like flax seed that will help you reduce belly fat. These foods are not only healthy but will also help you stay feeling fuller longer.

A flat belly diet is more on vegetables, fruits and less meat. Processed foods are discouraged, though small amount is sometimes allowed just to satisfy the cravings.

Whole grain foods such as potatoes, brown rice, bread, pasta should be a staple part of a flat belly diet because whole grain foods are rich in nutrients and minerals and its high-fiber content will keep you feeling fuller longer.

As for desert, sweet treats and processed desserts should be avoided to cut on added sugar and extra calories. You should rather have sweet fruits as your dessert.

People with sweet tooth tend to have frequent urges to grab sweets or sugary snacks. So for those sweet toothed who are on a flat belly diet, the best strategy is to keep sweet processed food out of your reach. Find a satisfying substitute like grapes, clementine tangerines, apples or raisins.

Often times, the urge of grabbing a bar of chocolate came from feeling tired, lonely, or angry. Address those feelings wisely. Instead of grabbing a sugary treat, have a cup of tea. Sometimes if you really want to satisfy your sweet tooth during a diet, you can go for a lesser evil. Choose a treat that has lower calorie content. Enjoy it mindfully. Savour every bite to avoid having a second piece, and go for a walk later.

Another tip to lose belly fat is by eating apple or vegetable soup 15 minutes before eating your meal. This will help you lose 187 calories than those who did not eat apples or vegetable soup.

The whole idea in this is to take the edge off your appetite with filling low calorie starters.
You can lose weight without feeling hungry or deprived.

Research shows that those people who were into Mediterranean diet had substantial reduction in body fats, blood fats and blood sugar. Aside from getting a trimmer belly, it also renders health benefits that contribute to longevity. It has been proven that Mediterranean-style diet plan is safe and effective in helping you lose excess body weight and belly fat.

Know that genuine fat loss is gradual. The advisable safe rate of losing pounds is 1-2 pounds per week. An effective flat belly diet should be calorie-controlled and one that includes heart-healthy fats.

Doing strength training helps in preserving muscle mass while doing aerobic exercise burns fat.
Exercise is still the best metabolism booster. So incorporating exercise in your daily routine and a change in diet and lifestyle are of importance if you want a flat sexy belly

About the Author: Louqman is an expert when it comes to flat belly diet.To find out every thing about flat belly dietvisit his website at

Keywords: flat belly diet,flat belly diet review,flat stomach diet,flat tummy diet,how to lose belly fat

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