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The following article was published in our article directory on December 17, 2011.
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Article Category: Marketing

Author Name: Ian McLachlan - BDGlobal


Lets face it Network Marketing can be a minefield of information, Business Opportunities and pitfalls. Many 'Newbie" marketers just give up under
the sheer weight of information overload, Many others, spend countless $$
On this Ecourse and that CD set or the ultimate EBook all promising to make
them immediate 'Money Online' only to find it just simply does not happen!
In this and subsequent posts and articles, I will try to clear up some of the misconceptions that people fall into, and help avoid the burnout factor.

Whilst there are many, many, Network Marketing Guru's out there some, good, some, bad. Some that are dubbed by their peers some self proclaimed, they all have one common thread, they all have something to sell. Are they interested in your success? Well the short answer to this.... Not Really! Their interest lies in their own self interest, and that is to keep you 'On the Hook' so to speak so that they can sell you their latest course, or the greatest software to hit the industry since Ganghis Kahn! Every product they have will reveal only so much so you keep coming back for the follow up or the next installment, and whilst you keep spending $$ on 'learning the secrets' they are driving to the bank. I am not saying they are all like this what I am saying is you need to do your homework, be wary, IF it sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
SO to get to Tip # 1
Rather than poor dollar after dollar into something that very rarely will bring you the returns you desire, find yourself someone who is 'At The Coalface' simply doing it and making money online, someone who is living the dream and is not only prepared to hold your hand and help you to succeed but has a vested interest in your success. You cannot do it on your own over the years I have found 'Network Marketing' to be not so much about the immediate money promised but about the relationships that go along with it. Find your self a mentor, but find yourself the right one, one that resonates with you, and not only follow him/her but duplicate what they are doing than you will find true success. But understand it will NOT happen overnight, all good things take time to build if you want them to stand the test of time, also remember the term "network" it's all about the team.

Time Management is Critical when it comes to a home business. It is way too easy to become distracted!
Turn off FACEBOOK, Shut down MySpace, turn off Twitter and set your self, a schedule, whilst the previous sites can, and will, become useful tools in your marketing skills in the beginning until your schedule and time management skills become ingrained they can be a distraction.
Set yourself a time schedule that is comfortable with you and those around you, and stick to it! Spend this time researching, finding that right business opportunity for you, finding that mentor that is the right fit for you, 9 times out of 10 you will find the 2 usually go hand in hand. Do your homework, research the business, make sure it is
1) Ethical, nothing worse than getting involved in a scam, quickest way to lose all credibility
2) It is something you believe in, as with all things it is difficult to sell/promote something that you do not believe in, believe me if you are speaking with someone in the hope of referring them if you do not believe firmly in your opportunity they WILL pick up on that
3) Know your business.... Spend the time getting to know your business.... What it is all about, how it works, understand the compensation plan and the products
All part of your time management plan, Understand your business and understand your market
Once you have become comfortable with this you can than sit down with a your mentor and develop a marketing plan, with a plan and schedule in place less time is wasted and that time that you do spend on your business is well spent......
So Tip # 2
Have a plan and a schedule! Your time is valuable and with this in place you will gain more value from your time.

Tip # 3 – Develop Your Marketing Plan
Initially you will want to keep this as cheap as possible until you start generating an income. If you have chosen the appropriate Business Opportunity it should be complete with a back office that is full of tips and tricks to help you along these lines, and again if you have chosen the appropriate Mentor he/she should be 'all over this' because they will have already found a lot of them.
There are many free advertising sites out there on the net, we will get into these in later posts, but suffice to say that any good marketing plan should involve these.
Again, going back to Tip # 2 you need to research how much time it will take to use these, the trick here is in the duplication there are ways and means available to do multiple tasks just once, again topics we will get into in later posts.
For the sake of this post initially you need a plan, what are you going to do, where are you going to aim it (your Niche) and what is your budget, this is were your mentor can help, so maybe schedule a brainstorming session with him/her to help develop this.
As you develop this be clear, concise, realistic and above all else write it down!
And than ACT on it, spend a certain time each day implementing it, and as time goes by and you begin generating an income review your budget a good rule of thumb is to reinvest 20% of your income into generating more business more leads hence more income.
So Tip # 3
Have a business plan, remember what you have is a business, and that is how you must treat it !

If you are looking at Network Marketing and Making Money Online, you need to find your mentor, and your Business Opportunity and focus on it, at a later date when you have realized your dream and are making an income online you can look at branching out and creating multiple income streams. BUT initially FOCUS on your primary business, and understand it is just what it say's a BUSINESS, and to truly succeed it must be treated as such, FOCUS, PERSISTANCE, and CONSISTANCY will see you win out in the end, and remember that it will not happen overnight. The internet is littered with marketers who gave up when success was potentially just around the corner.

In later post we will get into some of the ways and means of marketing your business, both on and offline and we will discuss some of the tools and sites that can be of use, some free, some cheap, but all invaluable.
Meantime if you have any questions or would just like a chat feel free.

Dedicated to Your Success in ALL Things.

About the Author: Ian has been a Network Marketer for some 6 years now, and has weathered the storm
Of Information Overload. He is now dedicated to helping new marketers avoid the pitfalls and get
Straight to the heart of making money online, by sharing his experiences and tips and helping people
BDGlobal – Ian McLachlan
BellBird Park Qld Australia
Email: [email protected]

About the Author: Ian McLachlan is an expert when it comes to network marketing, make money by blogging,empower yourself. To find out everything about internet marketing, home business, online marketing, visit his website at WEBSITE URL.

Keywords: internet marketing, network marketing, making money online, home business

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