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The following article was published in our article directory on December 30, 2011.
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Organic Gardening Basics

Article Category: Gardening

Author Name: chickie maxwell

What would an organic garden mean to this world? Is there any significance, any importance? Does this mean you will have to settle seeing your precious plants eaten at will by all those insects out there? The thing is, maintaining an organic garden simply means not having to do anything with commercial and synthetic products, and that includes fertilizers and pesticides. Organic gardening ideally replenishes the resources present in your garden. It makes the best use of such resources so it becomes a natural cycle, without the need for synthetic products.

Think of feeding your depleted soil using composted plants and you'll get the idea. You can even plant legumes with the purpose of adding nitrogen top areas laced with heavy feeders. A more comprehensive system requires working and cooperating with nature, and understanding the garden is just but a small part of the natural system .

What Is Organic Matter?

Organic matter is every decaying animal and plant waste, including everything that comes up from the compost, dried leaves, kitchen scraps and all the way to fish heads and manures. They will be treated as soil conditioner; they can be introduced into new and existing gardens as top dressings.

What's With the Soil?

One of the most important components of organic gardening is the soil; feed the soil and it will feed the plants in return. Things are simple actually. Plants normally get water, nutrients and even the air from the soil. The clay soil type holds more nutrients than the sand type, and it also hold water much better. In some cases clay soil holds on to water too well that plants are not able to get enough air. Sandy soil on the other hand may be well drained because of its looser properties, but it needs a good deal of amending just so it will become a great garden soil.

This is where organic matter comes in handy. Its introduction significantly enhances soil texture, attracting all those soil organisms that generate nutrients within the soil.

Controlling Diseases and Pests without the Chemicals

Organic gardening does not usually imply you will have to share with the worms, but you have to understand you may not have much in the way of pristine-looking plants and various produce. Since you will be working hand-in-hand with nature, you may have to accept occasional pests in your garden.

Vigilance will always be your best defense. Inspect all your plants on a regular basis for any anomalies and take immediate action. Just keep in mind that not every insect is considered a foe and that your best options should be the use of pesticides. You can safely turn to organic pesticides, but only after you have determined the nature of the problem.

Select plants best suited for your garden location and condition. Plants are much happier when they are comfortable with their growing conditions, and they become much healthier compared to stressed-out plants. Pests are most attracted to plants under stress.

Organic gardening works best with diversified gardens. A good collection of plants will surely attract more of those beneficial insects while preventing problems from spreading all over your garden.

About the Author: MyReviewsNow offers information regarding organic gardening. To learn more about organic gardening, visit our website website at

Keywords: organic gardening

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