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The following article was published in our article directory on November 17, 2011.
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Avengers Action Figures Sure to Grow in Popularity as Their Movie Approaches Release

Article Category: Shopping

Author Name: chickie maxwell

As the May 2012 release date for The Avengers looms, action figures depicting these Marvel heroes are sure to grow in popularity. These figures are currently being sold under the Marvel Select brand of Diamond Select Toys, sister company of Diamond Comic Distributors, which has held the Marvel license since 2002. Here are some of the Avengers action figures that are sure to become hot collectibles in the lead-up to the release of the Avengers movie.

The Hulk. One of the most anticipated aspects of The Avengers movie is the appearance of the Hulk, as he is set to be played by actor Mark Ruffalo for the first time. While they re waiting, they can get this nine-inch figure which shows the Hulk as he appears in the comics, full of rage and ready to let out a Hulk, Smash! Designed by acclaimed sculptor Gabriel Marquez, the Hulk has fourteen points of articulation and stands on a detailed rubble-strewn display base.

Iron Man. Undoubtedly the breakout star of the Marvel movie universe, Iron Man is set to appear not just in The Avengers but also his own sequel, Iron Man 3, in 2013. The Marvel Select action figure portrays Iron Man in his Extremis armor from the popular comic book story, taking off to fight evil. The figure stands seven inches high and has fourteen points of articulation, and has a display base depicting the fire and smoke that emerges from his boot jets as he prepares to fly.

The Black Widow. She first appeared in Iron Man 2, but is set to play a larger role in The Avengers. The figure depicts the new Black Widow of the comics, as sculpted by popular toy sculptor Steve Kiwus, and stands over six inches high. Fully poseable with 11 points of articulation, the figure also comes with a highly-detailed display base featuring a demolished wall. As an extra, the Avenger Ant-Man can be seen standing on the wall, ready to help Black Widow fight off the bad guys.

Captain America. One of the earliest Marvel heroes, who made his first appearance in the comics in the early 1940s, Captain America also appeared in his own hit movie this past summer. The Captain America: the First Avenger action figure is sculpted in the likeness of Chris Evans, the actor who played the hero in the movie, and stands seven inches high. Featuring sixteen points of articulation, the figure also comes with a display base that can be joined with that of the Red Skull action figure to form a diorama.

Thor. The God of Thunder also made a splash in theaters this year with a solo movie, and is set to play a vital role in The Avengers as his brother Loki is the movie s villain. Sculpted in the likeness of actor Chris Hemsworth, the Thor action figure stands seven inches high and has sixteen points of articulation. Like the Captain America/Red Skull action figures Thor also comes with a display stand depicting the rainbow bridge of Asgard that can be joined with the Loki figure s base to create a diorama from the Thor movie.

About the Author: MyReviewsNow offers advice about action figures. To find out everything about action figures, visit our website at

Keywords: action figures

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