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The following article was published in our article directory on November 12, 2011.
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Keep Up to Speed with the Ever-Changing Investment Market

Article Category: Finances

Author Name: chickie maxwell

About Value Line
Value Line Investment Survey has designed an innovative Small and Mid-Cap Performance Ranking System to help investors make intelligent decisions about investments. With a rational strategy, customers may eliminate the emotional element of investing and rely solely on trends to pick stocks with an incredible profit potential. Every week, a publication is produced to provide insight into the investment market and the best stock picks. A special edition is also published for investors to guide them towards 1800 profitable investment market opportunities.

Performance Ranks predicts "relative price performance" over a six to 12 month time period. Consensus earnings and estimates are provided, as well as recent corporate developments. With business descriptions and developments, investors can determine when the best time is to invest. Value Line has built a positive brand image and is trusted in the investment market community.

The proprietary system helps clients avoid poor performing, small cap and mid cap stocks. The advice is practical and easy to understand. Current and historical market and financial data will be provided to help investors gain insights into the companies, industries, markets and economy. Individual stock reports will also be provided for investors to make decisions about ETFs, Mutual Funds, Convertibles and numerous other investment vehicles.

A professional staff of 70 researchers, statisticians and security analysts design the tools that enable investors to make accurate investment decisions. These professionals are responsible for development of the investment algorithms and strategies for developing stocks. Investors can easily visualize the trends in the investment market with advanced analytical tools that can process large amounts of data.

How It Works
There are several process components for selecting an investment through Value Line. The Value Line Timeliness rank will measure the relative price performance of nearly 1700 stocks over the next six to 12 months. The 1700 stocks covered accounts for approximately 95% of the total United States' stock exchange market capitalization. The ranking system ranges from 1 to 5. One is the highest or best performing stock rank, and five is the lowest or worst performing rank.

At the highest ranking, Rank 1 investors will find the best expected performers in the Value Line portfolio over a six month period. Rank 1 usually consists of 100 stocks. Rank 2 stocks are above average stocks. There are approximately 300 stocks in this category that have an above average relative price performance.

Nearly 900 stocks are found in Rank 3 or average stocks. In terms of performance, these stocks will yield an average relative price performance. At Rank 4 and Rank 5, investors will find the poorest performing stocks. In Rank 4 category, there are approximately 300 stocks and in the Rank 5 category, there are approximately 100 stocks.

The Value Line Timeliness system ranks stocks based upon a set of complex algorithms. The safety and technical rankings also play a role in stock selection. Safety measures the volatility of the stock. The more volatile the stock is, the more potential there is to make money. The technical rankings measure the short term potential of the stock.

Cost and Incentives
Currently, investors can obtain the investment market tools at a promotional price. The cost of the tool is $199 for a full year subscription. This price is 20% lower than the original amount of $249. The investor will also receive two free bonus subscriptions to Value Line publications.

Each week, there will be 130 to 140 stocks provided weekly. The Ratings and Reports will issue full page stock reports. This report will cover 85 industries in the investment market per week. The 48 page weekly update will be featured in the Summary and Index report where all 1800 stocks are covered. Hand-picked stocks will be featured in the Value Line Investment Survey Small and Mid-Cap model portfolio. The 1872-page reference library will provide current research on nearly all of the 1800 stocks covered.

About the Author: To find out everything about The Value Line investment Survey, visit our website at

Keywords: investment market

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