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The following article was published in our article directory on December 16, 2011.
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What Is Aluminum Alloys

Article Category: Business

Author Name: Castings Aluminum

A metal Aluminum (aluminium) is a metallic chemical element, which is abundant enough and used widely around the world. It is silvery white in color belonging to the boron chemical element group, and not soluble when introduced to water under any normal circumstances. It is ranked third behind oxygen and silicon as the most ample element anywhere, though it is undeniably the most bountiful metal within the Earth's crust, making up roughly 8% of the Earth surface's total weight.

Humans mostly interact with it in many ways, particularly inside the kitchen handling various kitchen utensils and equipment made of aluminum. It is classified under poor metals, having extreme malleability features just like that of lead and tin.

Aluminum metal itself is very extraordinary because of its low-density characteristic and remarkable ability to stand up against corrosion due to the passivization phenomenon. Aluminum metal structural components also have vital uses in the aerospace industry and general transportation. Oxides and sulfates are both identified as the most useful aluminum compounds on weight basis at the least.

Its versatility had the aluminum industry manufacture roughly $40 billion in various products every year in the US alone, with the automotive industry as being its biggest market. The material is used mainly in different car parts (cylinder heads, radiators, pistons, wheel rims, etc) making the cars themselves significantly lighter. As we are all aware of, lighter cars make for reduced fuel consumption, most especially with the pollution levels emitted. The sectors that benefited the most from using aluminum include the following:

Transportation - Aside from automotive parts, airplane and motorcycle parts are becoming increasingly reliant on the aluminum element. The recent slow moving sales rocked the aluminum industry hard back in 2009. Even so, its uses and applications in cars have dramatically increased as they instinctively turn to the more lightweight aluminum alternative to relieve the transportation sector's struggles in meeting the fuel-efficiency standards set.

New Building and construction - The materials made of aluminum are now seen to the roofing, siding, window frames, gutters, hardware and even paint. More than about 1.8 kilograms of different aluminum-made construction materials were supposedly shipped to North America for the year 2009 alone, where a good portion wound up in materials used for farm complex and highway construction.

Uses in Packaging - This is an important industry in defining the society today; how we chose to be efficient in our ways. The aluminum material is mostly seen in packaging foils and trays, and even candy wrappers. At a time, the packaging sector even edged out the transportation industry in its reliance on the aluminum material. The most clear case for such dependence is the inherent lightweight characteristic, including the fact that it can also be permeable to light or water.

Possible uses of aluminum alloy include important electrical products (light bulbs, phone and power lines). It also made a grand entrance into the health industry, getting its rightful place and uses in food additives, antacids, body astringents, and many more. Now you have a good idea how common the material is in today's applications.

About the Author: Gerry Paul is the expert on Aluminum Die Castings and Die Cast Parts Molds as well as Aluminum Die Casting Information

Keywords: aluminum, castings, die castings, aluminum parts, automotive, lighting, hardware,

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