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The following article was published in our article directory on October 13, 2011.
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Health benefits of a raw vegan diet

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Joseph Carr

For decades, there have been folks who have been adherents to and advocates of the raw vegan standard of living. And, while for a long time such people were considered a bit "quirky," their concept to eating is beginning to gain recognition. There are more and more raw food books on bookstore shelves, more raw food diets talked about on the internet, and even more raw food restaurants cropping up all across the country, which all supports the position that this living style is no longer just for a few on the outskirts of mainstream society.

One event that encouraged to bring the raw vegetarian food "movement" into the limelight was the recent opening up an up-scale, five-star gourmet restaurant in the San Francisco Bay Area called Roxanne's. Roxanne Klein, a well-known chef and restaurateur, and her multi-millionaire husband David Klein, opened the new establishment featuring a menu that is totally made up of raw food recipe choices.

Most of the gourmet dishes served have been developed by Roxanne herself. The quality, originality, seasonings and pleasurable tastes received the attention of world-renowned chefs who have visited the restaurant to understand her secrets of the all-raw vegan dishes.

Roxanne's is just one example of a much bigger movement that is becoming more popular. Today, in most large cities you can find several restaurants that have raw food meal preferences on the menu and even a few raw food restaurants that are dedicated to only offering living foods.

John Robbins is a best-selling author and is vastly known and respected for his research and information about the food industry as a whole. He reports that there is a true food transformation in the works that has people leaning toward eating more foods that are organic and locally grown, which is at the heart of the vegan way of life.

He indicates that this is out of both relevance for health factors and for safeguarding and trying to improve the environment as well. The vegan diet is a step beyond both the raw food diets and the vegetarian diets. Eating a raw food vegan diet excludes all meat and dairy, and also purges the cooking of fresh foods in favor of eating them completely in their natural form.

The raw or natural vegan diet contains a wide array of fresh fruits and vegetables, as most would expect. In addition, this raw vegetarian diet also depends heavily on sprouted legumes and grains, nuts and seeds to supply protein and useful oils and fats. One of the primary reasons why eating raw food is considered to be healthy and beneficial to the body is because all of the food is packed full of living enzymes. The enzymes help with digestive function and help deliver nutrients all over the system.
When food is cooked, these useful enzymes, as well as the other minerals and vitamins are killed. When these vital nutrients are abolished by cooking, the body ends up yearning for more food in an attempt to get its nutritional needs met. Through eating a raw vegan diet, the body obtains more nutrients from fewer calories and tends to shed weight steadily, while also feeling less sluggish and bloated.

About the Author:

Joseph Carr is an Entrepreneur, Author, and Raw Vegan Diet expert. He actively shares nutritional tips and resources on Live Whole Foods on his website at:

Keywords: raw vegan diets, raw food diets, vegan diets, raw whole food diets, live whole food diets, whole food nutrition

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