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The following article was published in our article directory on November 7, 2011.
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The Potential of Wind Power

Article Category: Politics

Author Name: Jack Ryan

The wind is now being used to provide useful forms of energy such as electricity, mechanical power, and of course to drive ships forward. The power of the wind contains much potential, because the amount of power that can be extracted from it is significantly greater than the amount presently used by all nations from all kinds of sources combined.

In other words, if wind is properly harnessed, the world could do away with all other energy sources, such as hydroelectric, nuclear, coal, and other sources. Wind power is virtually limitless as long as the earth is turning. It is clean, distributed widely, renewable, and is not harmful to the environment since it does not produce greenhouse gases.

It has been found that the land and near-shore wind power potential is equal to 54,000 million tons of oil per year. This is five times more than the world's current energy utilization. This estimate only takes into account areas with mean annual wind speeds of 6.9 m/s or more at 80 m. The assumption is based on having six 1.5 MW, 77-meter diameter wind power generators for every square kilometer on approximately 13% of the total land area of the world. This area will not necessarily be exclusively used, for it can still be utilized for farming or grazing purposes.

Nevertheless, numerous barriers would have to be traversed before this becomes a reality. This will be set by factors of an economic and environmental nature, since wind power is far more available than the practical capacity of man to develop it.

At present, approximately two and a half percent of 2.5% of the required electric power in the world are supplied by wind power generators. Average yearly growth in new wind power generators has been 27.6%, and wind power can penetrate 3.35% of the world energy market by 2013 and eight percent by 2018. According to the data from 2000 to 2006, worldwide wind power capacity doubles every three years. As of last year, wind power already supplies twenty one percent of electricity in The Potential of Wind Power

The wind is now being harnessed to provide useful forms of energy such as electricity, mechanical power, and of course to drive ships forward. The power of the wind contains much potential, because the amount of power that can be extracted from it is significantly larger than the amount presently used by all countries from all kinds of sources combined.

In other words, if wind is properly utilized, the world could do away with all other energy sources, such as hydroelectric, nuclear, coal, and other sources. Wind power is virtually limitless as long as the earth is turning. It is clean, distributed widely, renewable, and is not harmful to the earth since it does not produce greenhouse gases.

It has been found that the land and near-shore wind power potential is equal to 54,000 million tons of oil per year. This is five times more than the world's current energy utilization. This estimate only takes into account areas with mean annual wind speeds of 6.9 m/s or more at 80 m. The assumption is based on having six 1.5 MW, 77-meter diameter wind power generators for every square kilometer on approximately 13% of the total land area of the world. This area will not necessarily be exclusively used, for it can still be utilized for farming or grazing purposes.

Nevertheless, numerous barriers would have to be traversed before this becomes a reality. This will be set by factors of an economic and environmental nature, since wind power is far more available than the practical capacity of man to develop it.

At present, approximately two and a half percent of 2.5% of the required electric power in the world are supplied by wind power generators. Average yearly growth in new wind power generators has been 27.6%, and wind power can penetrate 3.35% of the world energy market by 2013 and eight percent by 2018. According to the data from 2000 to 2006, worldwide wind power capacity doubles every three years. As of last year, wind power already supplies twenty one percent of electricity in  HYPERLINK "" \o "Wind power in Denmark" Denmark, eighteen percent in  HYPERLINK "" \o "Wind power in Portugal" Portugal, sixteen percent in  HYPERLINK "" \o "Wind power in Spain" Spain, HYPERLINK "" \l "cite_note-wwea-4"  fourteen percent in  HYPERLINK "" \o "Wind power in Ireland" Ireland, and nine percent in  HYPERLINK "" \o "Wind power in Germany" Germany in 2010.As of this year, eighty three countries are already commercially utilizing wind power.

Potential problems of wind power include variable wind speeds, cost, equipment upgrades, and a decreased capacity to replace conventional production. These problems can be mitigated by exporting and importing power as well as reducing power demand when there is low wind production. Wind power generators offshore can take advantage of the increased wind speeds compared to land. This is one of the opportunities that can be exploited. And although they could be an eyesore, wind farms more than compensate by being more environment-friendly than any other power source currently utilized on a large scale, except for solar power.

Current total  HYPERLINK "" \o "Nameplate capacity" nameplate capacity worldwide is at 194,400 megawatts, with China currently having the most installations. Forty eight percent of the total global supply is in Europe, with Spain as its leading producer and Germany having the most number of installations.

About the Author: This Is Jack for Hurricane Wind Power Wind Generators Tech Forum
Hurricane Wind Power Wind Turbine Technologies LLC Your place for Quality Wind Power Products made in the USA

Keywords: wind generator / wind generators / wind turbine/ Wind power generator/ wind power generators

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