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The following article was published in our article directory on October 5, 2011.
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When To Start Having Sex After a C-Section

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Christina Hemming

You are the only one who will know exactly when you are ready for sex again after cesarean because no woman is the same. Let's look at some suggestions to assist you in coming to that choice for yourself.

A period of at least four to eight weeks is the common medical recommendation for the minimum delay before sex after a cesarean.. There are quite a few fine reasons for this. Of course this doesn't mean that you will want to become sexual again because this much time has passed, no one else can decide if you are ready but you.

Four to eight weeks wait is recommended before resuming sexual activity to allow your body time to heal and recover. The most important reason for this time frame is that you will continue to bleed for up to eight weeks. Even though the newborn didn't come via the birth canal and vagina, when the placenta detaches from the uterus it leaves a wound which continues to bleed until fully healed.

Having sex ahead of this uterine recovery is done,can possibly lead to infection. This is also why you should not use tampons during this healing process. An infection and postpartum hemorrhage is a genuine concern following c-section and the blood flow stopping altogether is the very least you should wait to resume sexual activity.

Not only is the uterus recovery from the detachment of the placenta, it is also little by little goingback to it's pre pregnancy size. It takes about six weeks for this process to complete.

Obviously after a cesarean you as well have a substantial scar in your abdomen that is healing. The cut needs about 28 days to heal on the exterior. Underneath the surface the surgeon cut through six layer and total recovery is the most important thing to forestall future complications. There are many things, such as a c-section belly binder and special self massage.

Of course there is much more involved than the internal physical healing. After childbirth, sex is a low priority for a good number of women. During pregnancy a woman's body is awash with hormones and for some time after delivery those hormones that are still around, particularly if you are breastfeeding. One effect they can have is to suppress the sex drive. Think of it as nature's way saying, 'you just had one, you need to hold off a little while'. With the additional loss of regular sleep and .... well you no doubt know!

So each couple must negotiate their own process through this specific question dependent on your physical and emotional state and needs. Sooner or later you will resume sexual activity, but remember that even if you are breastfeeding or your cycle looks not to have come back yet - it is possible to become pregnant without precaution's!

When you've had a cesarean there are some specific considerations at the time you again begin having sex. Care has to be taken to protect the incision so be gentle during sex, in particular if your cesarean scar remains tender. Think of positions that won't put weight on your incision, which means regular position is out. When experiencing an orgasm try to relax your stomach, groin, and vagina as much as you can. This will help lessen the chances of your scar tearing, which is very important in the beginning.

Finally, it's fine to bear in mind that sex is about much more than intercourse and it becomes lovemaking only with intimacy. So returning to sex after a cesarean section will at the outset be more about intimacy and affection than rampant passion.

About the Author: Christina Uma Hemming is the founder of the brand Abdomend who make abdominal binders for c-section recovery, abdominal surgery recovery, & postpartum support. See all the Abdomend products & how to have the best c-section recovery visit

Keywords: c-section recovery, c-section band, c-section belt, after a c-section, sex after c-section, postpartum

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