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« Back to articles from category "Arts and Crafts"

The following article was published in our article directory on October 1, 2011.
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Adorn Your Living Place By Using Oil Painting

Article Category: Arts and Crafts

Author Name: Arold Augustin

The world of fine art is vast and to the beginner art collector the broad selection of oil painting art may seem confusing. Oil is a wonderfully textured medium that lends itself to bold colors and amazing versatility. There are many avenues to explore when it comes to collecting new artworks.

You could visit a gallery or take a tour through an art show and discover oil painting art that catch your eye. You might find beautiful oil painting art at an auction or you might be lucky enough to inherit a masterpiece. Always keep in mind that the oil painting pictures should appeal to your senses and should be something that you will enjoy having in your home for years to come.

Purchasing expensive oil painting art simply because they are considered trendy or are highly sought after when they do not suit your taste could leave you somewhat disappointed with your purchase at a later date. At the end of the day, no matter the price tag or the artists reputation, it is up to you, the buyer to choose art that you find beautiful.

There are many different styles of art. You could purchase an abstract work of art, a portrait style painting, a beautiful depiction of a landscape, but whatever you choose, it should be a piece that complements the room that it is intended for. Size, color and overall theme need to be considered. When selecting a piece of art for a room you need to decide whether it is going to be a focal point or simply an addition to the overall decor.

Color and theme is of great importance. The size, shape and color of the frame are almost as important as the content of the painting itself. You want to select a painting that is going to complement the overall theme. A high-tech, ultra modern room would be better suited to a modern art piece. A homely country cottage is going to be the perfect atmosphere for a sentimental depiction of a spring meadow.

Try to match the art to the atmosphere, but always keep in mind that your choice should always come down to your personal preference for color and content. Having a work of art that reflects colors found elsewhere in the room adds to the overall atmosphere, but is not a necessity.

Lighting is a very important aspect of showcasing your artwork and care should be taken to ensure that your painting is properly displayed with the correct lighting. Different lighting effects can completely alter the appearance of a painting and even the difference between spotlights, down lights and harsh fluorescent lamps can alter the appearance of a painting.

If your chosen oil painting art is the focal point in a room, find ways to build the decor around them using complementary color in accessories and soft furnishings. This can be done inexpensively by placing candles on a mantelpiece that reflect a chosen color in your artwork. A decorative rug or scatter cushions on a strategically placed sofa can pick out textures or colors in a painting with equal ease.

About the Author: To find out everything about Oil painting art, visit Arold Augustin's website at

Keywords: Oil painting, oil painting art, canvas oil painting

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