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The following article was published in our article directory on October 17, 2011.
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Control Systems Integration and Automation

Article Category: Computers and Technology

Author Name: Michael Garza

In automation, control systems integration is the process of integrating a designed control system into the production process or production line of a company in order to bring about a more efficient system for product delivery or manufacture. In information technology, it means combining different computing systems and software applications to work as one functioning unit. A systems integrator thus needs to have a wide array of skills and knowledge and the ability to troubleshoot and dissect problems at a quick glance. In some instances, control systems integration requires both integration into a physical plant and integration into an existing computing system. Sometimes, if one or both systems are outmoded, one or both will have to be completely replaced by the new system being installed. This increases the cost, both for installing the new system, and training operators who will use the new system.

Control systems integration happens right after the design process has been completed and tested. Most of the time, systems design and systems integration is done by one team and one company. If a client hires a company to automate its processes, it usually means starting the process from the ground up. If a client however only hires a company to update or modernize an existing production line or computing system, the process of integration takes place after a quick redesign and evaluation of the system.

Control systems integration is an central part of automation and proper integration is vital in ensuring the system designed works to its specifications. Part of systems integration includes training the workforce, writing a complete new manual, making sure the system works to specs and allowing for a period of wait and see before the project is declared a success. Part of systems integration can include follow up work and troubleshooting services. Most systems design companies and automation integrators offer this service as part of their contract.

Integration of a whole new set up may take some time and run up huge costs, but these systems are driven by ROI. Companies need to be prepared for both the time it takes and the costs it'll run to integrate an entirely new system. Most executives understand the need for the change and the importance of such an investment. A specific rundown of costs vs. ROI may be required or expected by clients of system design and integration companies. Most will be pleased to know this is SOP for all companies in this field, and will thus have their fears or reservations allayed before they push their company into this endeavor. As it stands, most executives know and expect both time and costs are a consideration, and thus more or less understand the time constraints and the costs that may be outlined. Most clients will be more interested in the design process and design implementation. Every executive needs to know the product they are buying works, and it's no different when it comes to automation systems. What is important is that systems are shown working as required and costs are later recouped in the form of production efficiencies enabled by the new system.

About the Author: Michael Garza and Quantum Design, Inc. are experts when it comes to Automation Controls Integration, Control Panel Assembly and Engineering & Software Design. To find out how we can help you achieve your goals please visit our website at

Keywords: automation controls, factory floor automation, plant automation, industrial automation, control systems integration, control systems design, distributed controls systems, SCADA, supervisory control and data acquisition, PLC programming, programmable logic controller, Allen Bradley, A-B, Siemens, S7, S5, WinCC, Wonderware, iFix, Factory Talk, Rockwell Automation, RS View, RS Logix, ControlLogix, Compact Logix, Kinetics, Ladder Logic, Factory Talk Transaction Manager, Human Machine Interface, Panel Views, vision systems, motion control and design

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