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The following article was published in our article directory on September 22, 2011.
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Middle East Revolutions and Protests Reach Israel

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Boruch Fishman

The wave of protests and revolutions which have swept through the Middle East in recent months has at last reached Israel. Over the last four weeks, thousands and now more than a quarter of a millions Israeli's, mostly middle class, have taken to the streets and taken to living in tent cities to protest what they describe as the impossibly high cost of living in Israel. Recently, I visited one of the tent cities and talked with members of the social protest.

Avi is a wiry youth of 27 who finished his military service in Israel and now owns a house with a large organic garden. He is staying at the tent city in downtown Tel Aviv, which is situated in a park just across the street from the central bus station. On any given day, anywhere from 50 to more than 200 portable plastic tents fill the section of the park partitioned off for the demonstrators. A large tent within the compound is stocked with hot and cold water and snack foods distributed free to participants. Chairs and sofas, where participants and visitors can sit and talk, have been placed in the central part of the compound,

According to Avi, the social protests are about more than just the cost of housing and the cost of living. "These are mere symptoms," he said. "Our movement is addressing the roots of the problem."

"What are the roots of the problem," I asked. Avi mentioned the pattern of top down leadership prevalent in Israel today in which money and power is invested in a few select families, while everyone else sinks lower and lower into financial conditions that have become impossible to bear. The state of mind of people who manipulate such a system for their own greed, while trammeling upon the lives and rights of their fellow Israelis is at the source of the problem.

Avi continued, "We are calling for a society in which everyone is on the same level, where people are as much concerned for the rights of others as for themselves."

Although Avi did not dwell on specifics he did mention a number of individual problems in the course of the conversation. The high cost of rent and commodities is at the source of the day to day discomfort of most middle class Israelis. This rise in the cost of living is the result of a series of individual decisions. While some small food stores have been very good about holding down prices, large chains have been notoriously bad and greedy. It is well known that large chains can buy large quantities of foods and commodities at reduced prices, and yet they are not passing on this benefit to the consumer. Instead, they are raising their prices so as to make a big profit. Whenever possible, they exert an effort to take advantage of their monopoly to make even more money at the expense of middle class consumers. During the recent spring holiday, Passover, most Israelis went to stores to buy a species of horseradish which they use at part of the ritual holiday meal. In previous years, they could buy loose horseradish on a per kilogram basis. This past year, the large chains featured a new item. The horseradish came packaged in plastic wrapping with holiday decorations on the outside. The package sold at a price as much as six times the equivalent cost of loose horseradish, only this year the store took loose horse radish off the shelves so shoppers pressed for time had no option but to pay six times the cost of their equivalent purchase a year ago. The same scenario was repeated with dozens of other holiday items. Each item was supplied by a manufacturer and wholesaler who hoped to make a financial killing on their item. Each company assumed that the need of consumers to have specific holiday related foods for their table would compel them to pay the higher prices. Each company assumed the increased cost of its item wouldn't be a problem for the consumer, and the company owners gave no thought to the burden on consumers when 50 companies each did the same thing.

Housing prices have been inflated by greedy landlords. Whereas the average price of living in Israel has risen at a steady 3-4 % per year, landlords are raising rental prices as much as 8-16% per year. Newlyweds select an apartment at a price they can afford. The next year, their income rises by 4%, however, the apartment rental price they are paying rises 8%. In the course of two or three years, the couple finds that the money they designated for food and their young child is now going to pay rent, and they haven't enough to live on.

According to Avi, this spirit of greed and everyone out for themselves has spread to other sectors of life. Industries are overusing oil products instead of developing solar and alternative energy related products, This is creating an over dependency on oil at a time when production levels are being capped, and other deleterious environmental effects such as global warming. Avi noted grimily that the world is not able ecologically to comfortably sustain the current levels of world population, and he expects that population will have to be reduced for man to live in harmony with the environment.

While the movement is only starting to visualize the specifics of the changes they are demanding, they will include a fundamental change in the way society is run, including networking and other forms of social cooperation, the emergence of natural leadership, and a greater reliance on natural farming, natural energy sources and natural products for healing and cosmetics.

I was amazed as I talked with Avi to find out how many of his ideas have been introduced in the recent Viking book "Super Life Secret Codes" by California author Great Sun. That book has introduced new paradigms of living, energy production, and social interaction. It talks about replacement of the current pattern of top down leadership with a pattern of living that will grow out of the individual's connection with the Universe. It even mentions predictions about drastic reductions in world population in the future. These changes are associated with the coming end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar cycle.

I am not the only one to note a connection between the Middle Eastern revolutions and the Mayan calendar cycle. American writer Eden Moon posted an essay on her website over four months ago, in which she introduced the concept.

I shared my ideas with Avi, suggesting that the aesthetics of the symbolism of the heavenly conjunction that will take place on Dec. 21, 2012 invites the individual to connect to the Universe. Avi had heard of the calendar cycle and liked the idea. If indeed the recent contagion of world revolutions is inspired by a heavenly source that would help to explain why they are currently such compelling and intense phenomena which are breaking through boundaries of country and culture. If they are indeed related to the upcoming end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar cycle, we can expect them to intensify and worsen and not go away over the next year and one half.

Keywords: 2012, Energy, Universe, New Age, Prophecies, Mayan ,Calendar Cycle

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