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« Back to articles from category "Gardening"

The following article was published in our article directory on September 21, 2011.
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Do You Have Your Garden Ready For Winter Growing

Article Category: Gardening

Author Name: Tina Agnew

Some individuals feel that when the weather starts getting colder and the leaves start to fall, it is time to put away the gardening tools and wait until next spring to work on their garden again. Wrong. Winter is a significant time to maintain your garden's health and assure yourself a good crop for next year. You might think that may take to long to prepare your garden, but the facts are that it takes less than one day to prepare your garden for the upcoming winter.

When the nighttime temperatures drop to less than forty-five degrees Fahrenheit for more than four days one after the other, or frost is forecast for your area (usually around late October or November) you know its time to begin preparing your garden. You ought to begin by evaluating your garden design, check which plants grew well in the past season, and which plants did not do well. Fall is a good time to decide which plants will stop in you garden next year, and which ones should go.

It is also a good time to decide which new plants you want to grow. To make your garden more colorful and healthy, be sure only to plant the more hardy plants during the fall so that they can withstand the wintertime. Some plants that will do fine being planted in fall are: rudbeckia, Aster Novi-belgii, Anemone Japonica, panicle hyandea, endive, escarole, and Brussels sprouts. You can locate all of these and more in gardening magazines or your local nursery.

After you have ended this you should begin cleaning up your garden. Commence by pulling out weeds that might have popped, and raking fallen leaves. Weeds and rotten leaves can carry insects and diseases that could be harmful to your garden. You should also rid your garden of spent annual plants, and harvest your vegetables and other plants that cannot withstand the winter weather. After fall has come and gone, the leaves will be off your trees and you can see the rotten branches. Trimming off the unwanted branches from your trees isn't necessary to your gardens health, but may help later by not dropping branches on your plants and not blocking too much of the sun.

If you've younger trees you should look at wrapping them and supporting them with stakes to help them survive the wintertime wind and cold. Putting mulch over your garden for the winter can be a useful way to safeguard plants from sudden temperature changes and heavy snow. For mulch you can use about five ins of shredded bark, pine needles, or a mixture of other materials. You have to be careful not to mulch too early, because some insects may still be alive and able to take shelter in it for the wintertime.

Once you've finished with your gardening tools you ought to clean them and ensure they are in a safe place where they will not rust and you know where they'll be for next year. Before winter comes invariably you should set out slug repellent, as slugs are one of the worst bugs to have in your garden. If you have a pool or fountain in your garden, be sure to withdraw any fish that you have in them and bring them inside. There's nothing sadder than a fish frozen in a block of ice.

About the Author: Want to find out more about how should I grow kale in a peat pot, then Tina Agnew's amazing site about a wide range of topics on companion planting vegetables, Go ahead, check us out.

Keywords: garden, gardening, sustainable living, kale, how to grow kale, companion planting

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