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The following article was published in our article directory on September 20, 2011.
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People Need To Know Why The Smoke From Tobacco Causes The Damage

Article Category: Medicines and Remedies

Author Name: Andrew Smiter

Millions of individuals inhale toxic chemicals into their lungs and body on a voluntary basis several times a day. This is killing them slowly from the inside out. People need to know why the smoke from tobacco causes the damage inside their bodies. This is probably one of the leading reasons for death in the US among people who smoke cigarettes.

Cigarettes have some thousand toxic chemicals that a great deal of people get dependent on each year. People do not listen to the warning signs on how harmful these things are. They will cause a great deal of long-term sicknesses and diseases when people use them everyday. People who do not use cigarettes will also get long-term health effects as well, by simply inhaling the secondhand smoke.

The smoke made from the cigarettes gets absorbed into the body and into the bloodstream in exactly seconds after the person inhales. The nicotine in the smoke is located in every part of the body. Women who are breastfeeding will feed their milk with a tinge of nicotine to their baby.

This substance also incorporates a high concentration of carbon monoxide. When someone inhales the carbon monoxide, this compound will attach to the hemoglobin found in red blood cells. The red blood cells are oxygen carriers, and when carbon monoxide binds to the cells, they will reduce the oxygen concentration that travels all through the bloodstream.

When people inhale, they are inhaling toxic carcinogens that will later result in cancer in the body. Carcinogens stunt cell growth and create abnormalities in the blood cell. This is the start of cancer forming. Abnormal cells reproduce faster than healthy blood cells. Users lungs can produce cardio obstructive pulmonary disease. This will results in injury to the air sacs located in the lungs; which prevents oxygen from entering into the bloodstream efficiently.

People who inhale this life threatening product will mutate a person's DNA through mutation. This will result in individuals to have hardened arteries of the heart, that will give a person a heart attack or stroke from continuous use over the years. Physicians will need to do bypass surgery or put stents in arteries to open them up for blood to pass across.

When people use cigarettes, the cigarettes have a damaging impact on the body's immunity process. The body is in addition not able to produce as many antioxidants as a person who does not use cigarettes. People will need to eat a weight loss program rich in antioxidants to boost their levels to health and well being.

People who use tobacco products ought to be conscious of why the smoke from tobacco causes the harm. The're a great many health risks that people will get when they use these items for years. They will likewise be risking their family lives when they use these products in front of them, as they inhale the detrimental body toxins as much as the user does. Lots of people write the results off when they are young, thinking that there is little ever happen to them. They will realize that they ought to have paid attention to the warnings and quit prior to the damage is irreversible.

About the Author: Want to find out more about e cigarette, then visit Andrew Smiter's amazing site about electric cig and the FDA for your needs.

Keywords: smoking, cancer, health, stop smoking, quit smoking

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