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The following article was published in our article directory on September 12, 2011.
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Article Category: Advice
Author Name: Pat Kovac
Lots of people like to smoke because it calms their nerves or makes them feel better. With the newer alternative to smoking traditional conventional cigarettes, E cigarettes, people may get mixed up about where they can smoke them. They may like to know if they can smoke the newer cigarettes in restaurants and bars. What they actually want to know is are E cigs banned?
The revolutionary way to smoke has some people praising them as they help them give up smoking traditional conventional cigarettes. cigarettes contain over 4000 chemical substances and toxins but smokers enjoy the sense and taste of smoking. E cigarettes offer them a method to taste smoke with nicotine flavoring and the feel of holding a cigarette in their possession. They're even puffing a vapor-like smoke.
There are people and organizations that support the banning of E cigarettes simply because there is insufficient information to support their claim of "healthy alternative" just yet. The E cigarettes have not been available long enough to see what benefits or damages they pose to users or the people around the smokers. The debate of whether they should be banned from public places rages on today.
One of the many groups opposed to the E cigarettes are parents and children's advocates. This is as they feel they're being marketed directly to children and teens. They point to the candy flavoring and the fact that manufacturers brag about them being healthy so kids might get the wrong impression or the E cigarette may well be a stepping stone to traditional conventional cigarettes.
Unfortunately, the government association accountable for approving various foods and drugs is not backing the E cigarettes right now. The Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) discovered high levels of TSNAs - tobacco-specific nitrosamines, a cancer-causing formula in the E cigarettes they tested that were going to be nicotine-free. A poison, Diethylene glycol, was also found in the E cigarettes tested and all of the ones tested were marked nicotine-free. The USFDA testing was completed in 2009.
The American Association of Public Heath Physicians (AAPHP) came out in support of E cigarettes when they first appeared in the marketplace and are still supporters of the smoking alternatives today. They think that the second-hand smoke is lowered and the electronic cigarettes are better than the traditional conventional cigarettes.
Currently, the only place that has banned E cigarettes is airlines. A good number of airlines banned the electronic devices because they may affect radio equipment, nevertheless some of the airlines issued statements about the warnings and the newness of the product. They are concerned with the second-hand smoke issues. There is no information on second-hand smoke from E cigarettes at the present.
So are E cigs banned is a query that has two answers. Yes they are on airlines but not many other places. Some states, including New York, are trying to have the electronic cigarettes banned to safeguard their people and children. But there are millions of voters, most of which use the E cigarettes on a daily basic so their petitions may not be heard.
Keywords: health, advice, cancer, self improvement, tobacco, quit smoking
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