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The following article was published in our article directory on August 27, 2011.
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Streetwear - Old and New Trends

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Randy Griffon

Fashion trends change very fast. What's in now may not be in tomorrow. It evolves very fast such that if you are not observant, you will definitely be left out. Streetwear fashion for example changes so fast which makes it almost impossible to describe. This is understandable though because as the name suggests, it is largely influenced by what is happening on the streets.

Streetwear fashion may be hard to describe but there are some things that you can consider, such as the basics to this type of fashion. These articles of clothing are jackets, jeans, t-shirts, caps and sneakers. Looking at all these pieces of clothing, you could already assume that comfort plays an important role in the ensemble.

The jacket is usually oversized. Most of the time it is inspired by the varsity jacket style. However, depending on the season, thicker jackets are also worn. In general, the jackets are casual and comfortable to wear. Recent trends though are heading towards giving the jacket a more sophisticated appeal but without losing its casualness. Several brands are already coming out with their new designs for their fall and winter collection.

Aside from the regular jacket, others use hoodies. Simply put, a hoodie is a sweatshirt with hood. The hoodie is worn not really to protect oneself from the elements but to make one look cool.

Followers of this type of fashion can usually be seen wearing large jeans with equally large pockets. Again, comfort is seen at work here. The large size, they say, allows them to move more freely. It gives them more flexibility when it comes to their movements. Since dancing is also a big part of the culture of these people, the large size is also a big help. However, recent trends show that tighter jeans are also becoming more and more popular. This does not refer to the skinny jeans type. The jeans are just tighter than they were before. This can be because of the influence of famous artists who now sport this type of pants. The latest releases in jeans are also characterized by patches. Some of these are largely due to collaboration between clothing companies. The distressed look is also favored.

The t-shirt for streetwear fashion is usually loose. There are several sizes higher than the wearer's actual size. They are also in bright colors. The t-shirt contains logos or slogans to express ones feelings towards a particular issue. It could be political, social or choice in music. The indie band scene in the past for example has been a great influence in this area. Recent trends however are showing more and more logos than statements. In fact, wearing one could make you feel like a walking billboard or a bumper sticker. But since logos are simpler, the shirts have become more accessible to people.

Current trends also show some changes in the length of shirts. There are now shorter shirts coming in. This is perhaps brought about by the desire of some people to show their decorated belts.

The cap, like the t-shirt, is also usually used to display logos. The logo could be that of the brand or logo of a certain sports team.

The footwear most appropriate for streetwear fashion is the sneakers. It gives comfort even when taking long walks. The current trends, however, show other types of footwear being adapted into this type of fashion.

Like other types of fashion, streetwear also evolves so you really need to be aware of what's the latest trend so you won't be left out.

About the Author: Randy Griffon is an expert when it comes to stretwear. To find out everything about street fashion, visit his website at Swag So Fresh.

Keywords: Streetwear, Street Fashion, Street Style

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