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The following article was published in our article directory on August 1, 2011.
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Band Banners | The Big Guys Use Them - You Should Too

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Steve Scott - The Vinyl Banner Guy

Are you in the live entertainment industry ? To most outsiders, being an entertainer elicits ideas of glamour and excitement. What they don?t see is how tough doing Gigs these days can be.

In my opinion, conditions now must be more strenuous than at any time in the past.

Band Banners Are a Very Effective Way To Promote Your Band or Show

With pay TV and the net, the stiff competition from the personal entertainment revolution with i MP3 Players and smartphones now commonplace. It is harder today to get your share of public attention and have your show cut through all the other noise than it has ever been.

One way is to maximise your impact and raise the awareness of audiences seeing you live. You need to be able to brand yourself and your performance, capitalise on all the hard work you have already put into your show. The simple answer is a vinyl Band Banner (or Gig Banner).

Compared to other kinds of advertising a Band Banner has many advantages to offer you as an entertainer.

A band banner is a great way to help brand your performance and to help potential fans know who you are.

Your band banner removes any ambiguity about who's performance they're enjoying. A band banner will do this without being "in the face" of your current following, while at the same time helping would be fans identify with you more easily.

What a loss loss to have a new fans see you for the first time, enjoy your
performance only to have them unsure of who you are?

Or worse still, get your name wrong and possibly let someone else benefit from your talent, your hard work and your performance. How many times has this happened to you already?

Band Banners And Entertainers Banners Are An Easy Answer.

At the 2010 Big Day Out I help DJ John Ferris with his Wormhole Banner for his performance. Recently I have helped support the promo of Motorhead, the "Stone Roses" and Uria Heap.

I know this may sound like it is off the track of what you do (ie.
entertain people). These days though you have to take care of your marketing almost as much as your performance or show.

What I am saying is if these guys you can do it, you can too. They do it because a vinyl band banner gives them maximum "Bang for their Buck". What are you waiting for?

They Start At Only $99 - Artwork Included .

New fans can be hard to come by , don't waste them when they see you for the first time. If they enjoy your performance don't make them guess who you are – they may have come with someone else.

A Band Banner Will Ensure They Know Who You Are

You work hard to be the best you can be at your art. Why not give your performance an extra chance to help grow your reputation and your fan base, by removing the guess work of who you are for your audience.

It is hard for someone like you in the entertainment industry to understand how a lay person could walk into a gig and not be 100% aware of who they are actually seeing perform.

You are too close to the entertainment industry. You go to every gig knowing exactly who you want to see. Regardless of whether it's the first time of the 100th time you have seen them perform.

It's not the same for most everyone else.

Don't miss the chance of changing a casual observer into a loyal fan. A band banner can show more than just your name. Your band banner can show your spirit and deliver a message to help reinforce and augment your performance.

Best of all band banners are a cheap effective alternative to help bring your message
to your future fans. They are easy to erect, easy to take down, they
travel well, they take up little space and will not be in the way of your show.

Your band banner will also last you for ages with the right care. This makes
your investment in your own self promotion just cents each time you use it – literally, and you can have any shape or size band banner you need.

In my experience your investment in your band banner and this easy self promotion will be provide a return on your investment for you equal to dozens, if not 100?s of times any small price you pay to own one.

My artwork is free of charge though some vinyl banner producers will charge you for artwork. You may well have your own artwork already so this should not be a problem.

Thanks for reading, and let me wish you every success both now and onto the future – "Break a Leg".

To Your Success

Steve the Vinyl Banner Guy

About the Author: Steve Scott (the Vinyl Banner Guy) is an expert when it comes to class="text" target="_blank" href="">band banners. To find out everything about band banners, visit his website at class="text" target="_blank" href="">

Keywords: band banners, band banner, promo banner

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