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The following article was published in our article directory on June 28, 2011.
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Dec 21, 2012 and the Psychological Influence of Stellar Configurations

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Boruch Fishman

People who make predictions about cataclysms that will occur in proximity to December 21, 2012, the date marking the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar cycle, are missing the boat. The real power of this rare stellar configuration is the psychological effect it will have on the minds of the observer. On that day, the winter solstice Sun will enter the dark rift, a cloud of gaseous substance that appears as a black streak in the center of the Milky Way, These two events occur simultaneously only once in every 25,700 years. The rare astronomical configuration is powerful because it humbles the Sun in the eyes of Northern Hemisphere observers. On this day, when the power of the Sun is weakest, the dominant stellar orb passes before a dark rift that all stars in the Galaxy appear to orbit around. The event reminds us that our Great Sun is, in truth, but one of millions and billions of Suns that form the Galaxy.

If the belief that such a tiny visual event should have a vast psychological power seems strange, let us go back to a time long before the invention of electricity and the other devices that drive the pace of modern living. If you need proof that the Sun, Moon and the five visible moving planets had a psychological power over man, consider the deification of these moving orbs. The visible planets not only influenced primitive man's psychology, they appeared in their eyes as all powerful divinities. Saturn, for example, was considered the father of time. And why not, 3,000 years ago there were no cars, no neon lights, no television, no outdoor lighting. When the Sun set, there was total darkness, and only animal sounds punctuated the deep stillness. If there was no wind, nothing moved in the sky except for the seven moving planets.Other than comets and meteorites, the seven moving planets were the only heavenly objects to punctuate the unswerving eternity of the fixed stars. Consequently, Saturn, the slowest of the seven moving orbs, was called the father of time, because it stood at the very border between that which moved and that which didn't.

Winds, earthquakes, lightning and thunder, the natural phenomena that breached the unswerving eternity of the fixed stars were all ascribed to heavenly phenomena. Not a single movement in nature that crossed the path of man failed to receive some explanation. At the very least it would be called some type of omen, or sign.

So we see, in this cursory examination of ancient religious belief, that before the onset of the chaos of modern civilization, man was powerfully influenced by Heavenly events. Has that influence died, now that man is continually exposed, 24/7, to lights, noise, the Internet, and other Earthly distractions, or is the influence merely smothered and relegated to the unconscious.

An examination of modern religion, modern culture and even the fascination with the upcoming end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar cycle would suggest that the influence of stellar configurations on modern man is merely relegated to the unconscious. I will give a few examples. First, consider the days of the week. The days of the week are named after the seven moving planets. If you order the seven moving spheres from slowest moving to the fastest moving and assign each planet to one hour of the day beginning with 6 pm on Tuesday night, you will find that the planet assigned to 6am each day is the name of that day. Next, look at the calendar. Months are closely or loosely based on the phases of the moon, The year is based on the apparent orbit of the Sun around the Earth. New Years is 8 days after the Winter Solstice, a traditional end of 7 days of celebration for the return of the Sun to the Northern hemisphere. The failure of modern man to change these cycles or want to change them is strong evidence that the same psychological power that the Heavenly orbs traditionally exerted on man is still active and lurking beneath the surface.

Seers and writers about 2012 phenomena suggest that the Heavenly humbling of the Sun will severely shake up man's dependency on top down leadership. Great Sun, author of the Viking title "Super Life Secret Codes," is predicting that in coming years man will be less and less dependent on religious leaders, that many iconoclastic religious edifices will be toppled and that man will be more and more inclined to personally connect to the Universe,

These are remarkable predictions about the effects of the celestial configurations on earthly events and yet we already see a wave of revolutions sweeping away top down dictators from many countries int eh Middle East, and at least one 2012 theorist, author Eden Moon, relates the wave of protests to the approaching end of the Mayan calendar cycle. Will the predictions of these 2012 theorists come true? Only time will tell.

Keywords: 2012, Connect to the Universe, New Age, new year, dark rift, winter solstice sun

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