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The following article was published in our article directory on June 28, 2011.
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Understanding the Literary Mechanism Behind 2012 End of the World Prophecy

Article Category: Advice

Author Name: Boruch Fishman

For the last 10 or more years, the Internet and other social media have been bombarded with a rhetoric of doom and cataclysm being used to describe the approach of Dec. 21, 2012 the end of the 5126 year Mayan Long Count Calendar cycle. While every reasonable person fully expects nothing dramatic will happen on December 21, 2012, and that he will wake up on December 22,2012 to find it has dawned just like any day, it still behooves a responsible person to appreciate the nature of rhetoric about the end days of the long calendar cycle.

Before pinpointing the rhetorical factors at play in 2012 end of the world talk, it is worth describing the phenomena qualitatively and let the truth emerge. What is patently obvious is that we are dealing with a type of verbal exaggeration, fear mongering and even what is known in advertising as "schockvertising," People are being told to believe that on or shortly before December 21, 2012, a great catastrophe will overtake the world that might lead to massive death, massive destruction and a dramatic change in the world as we know it. Millions of people have been induced to see movies depicting the coming destruction. buy books that offer the key to 2012 survival, buy survival kits, which will help them start over, attend lectures explaining how the lucky survivors must live in the new age, and in numerous other ways hand over their hard earned dollars, in the hope of gaining a little peace and or safety.

The rhetoric surrounding 2012, in its entirety, feeds into what social scientists call the culture of fear, While the term has was used to describe the manipulation of the public by the Bush administration shortly after the 9/11 attacks, the cultural concept also touches the 2012 hysteria in that both sets of emotions are pinned in part on global warming, one of the ongoing fear generators. The reason these states of fear are created and sustained is explained niftily in articles on the topic in Wikipedia. The writers point out repeatedly, in different ways, that most of the victims of the culture of fear are lower class members of society. The climate of fear enables those in power to manipulate them for their own ends, whether they be political, military or economic.

So what are the rhetorical techniques at play here? To make them evident, lets first look at what most responsible writers and thinkers are saying about 2012. Scientists and intelligent authors talk about a 2012 paradigm shift. After the Mayan Calendar cycle ends, they say that people will enter a new age featuring personal connection with the Universe as opposed to the type of top down leadership we see in dictatorships and entrenched religious systems. The world will become more cognizant of the environment, green forms of technology will increasingly become in vogue, technology will learn to work with nature and not opposed to it.

These responsible 2012 theories suggest that a lot of changes will be taking place to established religions and institutions, as man learns to become self-reliant. But what happens when these same ideas get into the hands of irresponsible fear mongers Predictions of psychosocial destruction and changes in major institutions is transformed into tidal waves that will crush famous institutional buildings such as the Vatican and the White House. Talk about personal connection with the Universe is transformed into images of isolated groups of individuals doing battle with vast natural forces such as mega tsunamis.

2012 doomsday speech is not mere exaggeration because it has no connection with any reality it is exaggerating. Realistic thinkers believe that there will no fewer or greater number of earthquakes or tsunamis in 2012 than in any other year. An analogy can be ruled out because people talking about 2012 catastrophes do not use words like "as" or "like".

If the transformation of 2012 talk into doomsday sensationalism were more controlled, it might be considered metaphorical speech. "Great waves of light will flood the minds of man or something like that. The problem here is that an extended fantasy world has been created and its connection to the realistic ideas it may be illustrating are at best faint.

It might be more proper to call the 2012 rhetoric allegory that has fooled a large number of people into thinking it is real. Simply put, vast destruction of social and religious institutions on a psycho social plane has been transformed into a story of vast natural forces that will be unleashed on a particular date and will destroy the buildings and people associated with the institutions. The creators of the movie 2012 might secretly have had just that in mind, The extreme exaggeration of their craft was probably designed to draw in a large box office receipt, and in that they were successful. When the same story comes out of the mouths of firebrand prophets and new age seers then we can hardly describe it as allegory, however, especially if they themselves believe the stories they are feeding to the public.

Possibly the best way to summarize the phenomena is to consider it as a combination of devices. Artisans may know they are creating an allegory. Preachers and seers may know they are using fear mongering to drive up book receipts. Where there's a buck to be made, someone will step in and fill the bill. As Great Sun, author of the Viking book "Secret Life Super Codes," noted, the proper response to the whole 2012 phenomena is to be proactive and not reactive. People should never let themselves be taken in by a story of inevitable doom or something like that. And on top of that the desire on the part of people to see enlightened social and cultural change depicted in the guise of vast destructive natural phenomena is a deficiency in man that needs to be healed.

Keywords: natural, New Age, Prophecies, 2012 paradigm shift, 2012 thinkers, doomsday, rhetoric

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